-- Jackson is the gift that keeps on giving, but he does love to use bad words. --
"When They Don't Want to Fuck You"
When they don't want to fuck you
The facebook wall dries up
And the only people commenting
Are girls
Sad girls
Sad fat girls
That love you for who you are
When they don't want to fuck you
You spend Friday nights
Standing at the bar
Texting yourself
Just to look occupied
While you shoot sneers
At the sneer-shooters looking at you
To beat them to it
And you don't dance
And you don't mingle
And nobody wants to dance
Or mingle
With you
And you leave early
And on the walk back to your car
You look up at the sky
And wonder why
You even bothered
Coming out tonight
When they don't want to fuck you
You stand in the mirror
And try to remember
What you looked like
Before age set in
And took your abs
And the slabs of muscle
You called your chest
Your arms aren't slabby either
They're more flabby
To be honest
And you try not to cry
And you fail
And get on the computer
Inviting some guy
You wouldn't have given a second glance at
Ten years earlier
Over to kiss you
And make you feel wanted
And needed
And cuddled
And after it's done
He goes home
And you shower
And cry again
And go to bed
And begin again the next day
When they don't want to fuck you
You say that you're smart
'I'm smart'
You say you're a good friend
And you're funny
And reliable
And a good person
But really
It doesn't matter
You never had to be any of those things before
You had lapses
Where asshole actions
Pervaded the lives of all your closest friends
Almost as if to see
If you could get away with it
Treat them like shit
And see if they still wrote love messages to you
Late at night after drinking to much
And they did
How bout that
But not anymore
Not even when you're nice
So why be nice?
So now you're pissy
And prissy and detached
You've got scowl lines
And frown lines
And lines everywhere
Where time has not been kind
And you work nine to five
And eat microwave dinners
While grinners are out
Having fun with their friends
Never thinking of you
Or their own personal ends
You surrounded yourself
With only admirers
Not heeding the words of Machiavelli
Should have sent the fawners packing
And kept track of those
Who weren't quite so impressed with you
But liked you anyway
But hey
Hindsight is twenty-twenty
When they don't want to fuck you
I'll be there, sweetie
Still dancing
And mingling
Cause I'll have been nipped and tucked
More than a fucking origami swan
I'll be out with the grinners
Eating dinner hearing them ask
Whatever happened to you
And I'll change the subject
Or say I heard you moved
Because why bring down the mood
With news of your social evaporation?
So have your fun now
And shoot me your sneers
I'll be saying cheers when I see you
Texting away at the rejects buffet
And I'll raise my glass
And toast
The boy who nobody remembers
And I'll write something cute on your wall
And all your friends will ask
Who I am
Cause damn
I'm still cute
And they'll still want me
When they've stopped fucking you
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