Friday, February 27, 2015

A Quartet on the Moon

They sent a quartet to the moon
And when they landed
They set about to make music
For the stars

Soft music that echoed
Through the lost silence
Through the carbonated comets
Through the elegant reflections

The members of the quarter
Were left to float
Wherever they may
And so they were only playing together for a moment
Before going off
On different paths

One made it all the way to Saturn
Where the rings went ‘round her fingers
And she took in tri-colored poison
As if it were a chocolate milkshake

Her music became temperature
And it warmed whatever it touched

One got to Mars
Where red dust
Kicked up around his feet
And he felt like a sandstorm
On an ocean
Perfect and impossible

Another went into a black hole
And was never heard from again
Even though her music
Sprinkled out like atoms
And like rainwater
Into gutters

The last one made his way towards the sun
And as he burned away
His music scurried from him
And found its brothers and sisters
Along the wall of the Universe
And together
The millions of pieces
Became a quartet again
And played for as long
As anybody
Would listen

1 comment:

  1. Do you know the work of Richard Brautigan, the 60's hippie poet icon? I always liked his work, and this reads like one of his trippier pieces.
