Friday, June 5, 2020

And Now We Can Go Out

     (JACK and JO and PHIL and CHRIS are on FaceTime.)

JACK:  I'm so glad we can finally go out.

PHIL:  I am thrilled.

CHRIS:  Ecstatic.

JO:  It's been too long.

PHIL:  So long.

CHRIS:  Feels like years!

JACK:  So--what are you thinking?  You guys want to go out tomorrow?

PHIL:  We would love that!

CHRIS:  We've been stuck inside, and--

PHIL:  We're going nuts.

CHRIS:  Can you not interrupt me?

PHIL:  Sorry.

CHRIS:  You keep doing that, Phil.

PHIL:  I said I was sorry, Chris.

CHRIS:  It's--Yes, we'd love to go out.

     (A beat.)

JO:  That's great!  Jack and I were thinking we'd--this is all with social distancing now--

PHIL:  Right.

CHRIS:  Of course.

JO:  We were thinking we'd go to this salad place for some salad.

PHIL:  A salad place?

JACK:  They only serve salads.

JO:  Just salads--and some other apps.

JACK:  We love their risotto bites.

JO:  Love them.

CHRIS:  Do they have entrees?

JACK:  No, after you've had your salad, we'll go to this French wine bar--

CHRIS:  Is that when we eat?

PHIL:  We've already had salads, Chris.

CHRIS:  I can't get full on salad, Phil.

JO:  You don't eat at the wine bar.  You have some wine and then you go to the other wine bar.

CHRIS:  There are two?

JACK:  We've been pent up, Chris.

JO:  We want to hit all the spots.

JACK:  Every spot.

PHIL:  All the spots?

JO:  Every one!

PHIL:  Wow.

CHRIS:  Phil--

PHIL:  It's fine, Chris.

JACK:  We were thinking after the third wine bar--

CHRIS:  There are three now?

JACK:  We could go get some bread at the Bread Bar.

CHRIS:  Were these things there before the pandemic or--?

JO:  After the Bread Bar, it's time to eat.

PHIL:  But we've had salads.

CHRIS:  And bread.

JACK:  And I forgot that the third wine bar does have a lovely olive spread.

PHIL:  Wow.

CHRIS:  Stop saying 'Wow.'

PHIL:  What do you want me to say?

JO:  We're taking you to our favorite Greek restaurant.

PHIL:  That sounds nice.

JACK:  Then we'll go to our favorite dessert place.

CHRIS:  Oh boy.

JO:  Then another wine bar.

PHIL:  Wow.

CHRIS:  Phil.

JACK:  Then a regular bar--a little Irish pub--to end the night.

JO:  We'll have you boys home no later than 5am.

JACK:  It's going to be like we're teenagers again!

CHRIS:  I was a very sleepy teenager.

JO:  What?

PHIL:  You know, we, uh, gosh, now that I'm thinking about it, tomorrow is going to be crazy for us.

CHRIS:  Just, uh, we have so much to do.

JACK:  Like what?

PHIL:  Um--

CHRIS:  We have a--an online--thing.

PHIL:  We're watching an opera.

CHRIS:  Online.

PHIL:  Really--a very--online...opera.

JO:  Oh.  Well what about the day after?

CHRIS:  Right.  There are--yeah, so many days, uh--

JO:  We can do any day.

JACK:  Any day at all.

PHIL:  Wow.

CHRIS:  Maybe we could, um, break all those, uh, plans up

JO:  What?

PHIL:  Just so we don't--run out of places to go.

JACK:  There are always places to go.

PHIL:  I know, that's the scary part.

CHRIS:  We just kind of need to, you know, ease ourselves back into our social lives.

PHIL:  You know, because before, we didn't really...have any?

CHRIS:  We liked staying in.

JO:  But you've been complaining about having to stay in.

CHRIS:  Well, we love complaining.

PHIL:  I mean, that's our favorite thing to do.

CHRIS:  We love that.

PHIL:  But now, obviously, we need to find, you know, other stuff to complain about.

CHRIS:  I don't really love how Phil has our patio set up, but--

PHIL:  Could we not?

JACK:  You guys should come out!  You'll have fun.

CHRIS:  We don't really like fun, Jack.

PHIL:  We don't.  I mean, we've been having a lot of anxiety--

CHRIS:  And we don't like anxiety.

PHIL:  We like boredom.  I think--all this time when we've been like--We hate how things are now!  What we meant is--we'd really love to be bored again.

CHRIS:  Right.  It might have seemed like we were saying 'Oh, we want to go out and be social!' but really we just--want to stay in.

PHIL:  But have the option to go out.

CHRIS:  But stay in.

JACK:  Wow, well--uh--Jo?

    (A beat.)

JO:  Thank goodness.

PHIL:  What?

JO:  We don't want to go out either.

CHRIS:  You don't?

JACK and JO:  No!

JACK:  We thought you wanted to.

JO:  You think I want to go to a Bread Bar?  I'm almost forty.

JACK:  We're exhausted.  We thought working from home and doing absolutely nothing for months would have us raring to get out there, but it turns out, we're just tired people.

JO:  It's who we are.

JACK:  Tired.

JO:  And very happily tired.

JACK:  But we also love to complain.

JO:  We should just be complaining about how tired we are.

PHIL:  We should try that!

CHRIS:  I love that.

PHIL:  We could do it together.

CHRIS:  Like what we're doing now.

PHIL:  From our homes.

CHRIS:  At six pm.

JACK:  I love that.

JO:  Me too.

JACK:  Sounds great.

PHIL:  Sounds thrilling.

CHRIS:  Exciting.

JO:  That sounds like a plan.

End of Play

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