Dear Mom,
I can’t decide
If I should ask
Whether or not
I still have to go to school
Everybody knows
That I’m a fraud
I know I can’t go to the school
You were trying
To bribe me into
But I don’t know if that means
I can’t go to any school
Like, am I on a list or something?
I don’t really want to go to school
I feel like school is where you go
So you can learn something
So you can get a job
So you can make money
I already have money
And I already know
What I want to do
With my life
I want to start a cosmetics line
And maybe a lifestyle brand
And at some point
I want to produce movies
That inspire young girls
To pursue their own passions
I want to be Kylie Jenner
But I want to be Malala too
And I don’t think college
Prepares you
To be either of those people
Can I ask you something, Mom?
Do you think I’m stupid?
Do you think I couldn’t have
Gotten a good grade
On the SAT’s?
You do know that my lack of worth ethic
Is not a reflection
Of my intelligence, right?
Some of the laziest people I know
Are geniuses
If there’s one thing
I could probably nail
It’s a test designed
To give white people
A leg up in the world
Those tests have been proven
To skew towards, like, helping
People like me
Do well
So what makes you think
I’d do badly on them?
If anything, you should have spent
Your money
Bribing my teachers
To give me better grades
Or to say that I was on
The Debate Team
Instead you got some volleyball coach
To say I’m this amazing player
And I’ve never touched a volleyball
In my life
I mean, it doesn’t look that hard
But I don’t know why that was what
You decided to use
To get me into a school that’s, like,
Honestly not even that impressive
Mom, do you know how much I make
On those videos I post?
If me going to a good school
Was really that important to you
Why didn’t you just say so?
I have enough to make a donation
To a school like Brown
And coast right in
You didn’t need to commit a crime
To get me a good college education
When there are plenty of ways
To do it that are highly unethical
But not against the law
Now you’re going to prison
And I might have to visit you
And the anxiety I have
Thinking about that?
I just think the lesson
We can all learn from this
Is that you shouldn’t
Get yourself in trouble
Trying to accomplish something
Only kind of noteworthy
Until you’ve exhausted
All the ways money
Can get you something
Way better
Honestly, Mom, I know
You weren’t born rich
But that’s all the more reason
To check with me
Before you forget
Who you are
But I guess you’ll have
Plenty of time to think about that
Until I see you
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