Thursday, August 20, 2020

Look Ma, I'm Viral!

      (A laundry room. MAE is folding clothes. Her son, MATT, is helping.)

MATT:  I'm up to five thousand likes.

MAE:  Five thousand?

MATT:  Probably going to be six by tonight.

MAE:  You KNOW five thousand people?

MATT:  I don't know them. They're followers.

MAE:  Followers?  Like Jesus?

MATT:  No, they just like hearing what I have to say.

MAE:  Why?

MATT:  Because I'm funny.

MAE:  You are?

MATT:  Yeah, I say funny things.

MAE:  I've never heard you say one funny thing.

MATT:  That's not true.

MAE:  You have never made me laugh once.

MATT:  It's not like a 'Ha ha' funny. It's like a--'Oh, that's clever' funny.

MAE:  Isn't clever like smart-funny?

MATT:  Yeah.

MAE:  And that's you?

MATT:  Yeah.

MAE:  Are you sure?

MATT:  Well, five thousand people think so.

MAE:  Lot of morons in this world.

MATT:  Mom, this tweet I came up with could end up getting half a million likes.

MAE:  And then what?

MATT:  That means I go viral.

MAE:  And you want that?

MATT:  Yeah!

MAE:  And then you get paid?

MATT:  What?

MAE:  Is that when they pay you?

MATT:  No, you don't get paid.

MAE:  A half a million people read something you wrote and you don't get paid for it?

MATT:  Well--

MAE:  Half a million people read a book, the guy gets paid.

MATT:  It's not a book, it's a tweet.

MAE:  That's cause smart people write books.

MATT:  I'm smart.

MAE:  If you were smart, you'd be getting paid.

MATT:  It's not about being paid.

MAE:  What's it about then?

MATT:  People thinking you're smart.

MAE:  Just because they think it, doesn't mean it's true.

MATT:  You know, people get movie deals for writing good tweets.

MAE:  They do?

MATT:  Yeah.

MAE:  So where's your movie deal?

MATT:  Well...I'd have to write...a lot of good tweets.

MAE:  Like how many?

MATT:  I don't know. A lot.

MAE:  And how many have you written?

MATT:  Just the one.

MAE:  Doesn't sound like you're getting any movie deals.

MATT:  Well, I still thought it was pretty cool to have people think I said something interesting.

MAE:  Don't you think that what you think about yourself is better than what other people think about you?

MATT:  Yeah.

MAE:  Well, that's bull. All that matters is what I think of you.

MATT:  Thanks, Mom.

MAE:  You don't need to be funny, you're a good person.  A dumb, good person who can't fold laundry.

MATT:  Thanks, Mom.

MAE:  Now, if I wanted to get on Twitter--

MATT:  Not a chance.

     End of Play

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