The bad patch of land
Is just outside
Of Montana, Periwinkle
I stepped foot on it
And my toes curled up
When the right side of the dirt
Hit the bottom
Of my sole
The bad thing
About the bad patch
Is that you keep
Coming back to it
To get that jolt
That shock
Through your jaw
That makes it clench
And leaves you
Struggling to breathe
After the first time
You tell everybody
You’re never
Going to go
To Periwinkle again
And depending on who
The person you tell is
They’ll either believe you
Or laugh in your face
If they laugh
You won’t know why
Until about a month later
When you start
Thinking about it
The cut letters
In the road signs
To the patch
The patch
That doesn’t seem
As bad
As it did before
The feeling in your jaw
That you remember being
Not as bad
As you made it out to be
Before you know it
You’re driving there
Not slow, either
Your hands tap the wheel
You can’t catch your breath
You see the road signs
You see the patch
You brake
You get out
And the minute you hit
The dirt
Your body feels
The charge
And you’re on your knees
What took you so long
To come back
And every time
The jaw goes tight
The fingers spark
The hair on the back
Of your back
Begs you
To get back in the car
And go to where
It’s Periwinkle, Montana
And not Montana, Periwinkle
Where right is still right
And wrong is somewhere
It can’t touch you
But you’re not just
Standing on the bad patch now
You’re part of the bad patch
Your feet are deep
Your ankles crack
Your neck extends
They told you
Nothing could grow here
But what they meant was
You wouldn’t grow
You would expire
You’d get sucked in
And the dirt
And the patch
And the land
Would use you
To give itself
What it needed
To get more people there
To get the cars
And the buses
And the hitchhikers
On their way
To feel the courage
That isn’t
All that brave
You put down a foot
You put down the other
And you tell yourself
You just want to know
What it feels like
You tell yourself
You just want
A little
Of what everyone else
Is afraid of
You just want
To see
If it takes
Your breath
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