Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Why I Won’t Release The Prisoners

We’re not letting them go

Without orders

From the secondary bureau

Telling us

That’s what they

Would like us to do

And if that happens

I’ll resign

Because I’m not releasing

The prisoners

And if I’m ordered to do it

You’ll need to physically


Compel me to do it

And that’s something

I doubt you’re willing to do

When it comes to the point

Where you have to put your hands on me

I don’t think you’ll do it

Because I’ve done it

I know what it takes to do it

And I really doubt

You have what it takes

And I doubt, in general

Many people

Want to get to a point

Where they’re putting their hands

On people

To get what they want

Because it’s violent, right?

It’s perceived as being violent

Even if it’s just grabbing somebody

And moving them out of the way

So you can get through the door

They’re blocking

And people don’t want to be violent

Because that’s seen

As a breakdown

Of some kind

We avoid violence

The prisoners here?

They didn’t avoid violence

Now, that got them here

But it also shows you

What you need to be willing to do

If you’re talking about

Letting these people

Back out into the world

These are people

Who have looked over the edge

And felt comfortable


And you’re trying to get me

To step back from the edge

So I can stand next to you

And let the people

I’m in charge of detaining

Take everybody else

Over the edge with them

I’m not willing to do that

Now, I can stall you

For right now

With forms and legislation

But if you’re wondering

Whether or not

All that will end

With me simply refusing

To release the prisoners

Then yes, that’s how it’s going to end

So if you want to cut out the middleman

Save yourself some time

And just show up here with a baseball bat

Ready to body me

Then I welcome that

Because truth be told

I fucking hate

Filling out

All those forms

So show up

Or don’t

But know what you’re walking into

If you’re going to come here

And tell me

What I can and can’t do

Because I’m not planning

On having a Q&A session with you

About how you think

I do

My job

Part of my job

Is standing in the doorway

Waiting for you to show up

So I can tell you

That you are not getting

What you want

Unless you’re willing to do

What the people inside

Were willing to do

Do you understand

What I’m saying?

You are not

Going to stay civil

And get through

This door

Because that tells me

That if I let any of these prisoners go

I’m sending them out

Into a world

With people like you

Sitting ducks

Who don’t even know

How to quack

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