I have come to the top of the mountain
And here there is nothing
And so you reflect
Or, I should say
Here you can reflect
You are able
Feel the cold
Smell the air
The air has a smell
Isn't that something
It used to be that fresh air was nothing
Now it's everything
Now it's better than newly baked bread
Fresh, fresh, fresh
Here's a place
A good place
To give advice
To hand down wisdom
And watch it land
Here's where you can try on my words
And see how they fit
Here where the world
Is rising up
To excel
To try and reach the sky
And say 'Almost there, almost there'
So what's my advice then?
Nothing too grand
But grand in language
Cast a giant shadow
Not every man can be a mountain-climber
Or a deep sea diver
Or walk on the moon
Or wrestle lions
Or touch the sky
But if you can get up high enough
You can stretch out your arms
And see who you are
Rush out across a great landscape
That's why we're given the sun
And a shadow
Because even though we're only on this earth for a short time
We're constantly reminded
Every time we look behind us
That we leave something
Wherever we go
We have the ability to extend out past our bodies
And cast a shadow
Over where we've been
So do it
Live in the moment
Be in the present
Embrace every second
But cast a giant shadow
Find the highest point you can
Climb it, scale it
Stand at the peak
And put something out in the world
That will remain there
After you have left
Impact, impact, impact
What a wonderful word
The 'p,' the 'm,' the 't'
It lingers on your lips
After you've said it
It does what it defines
You do the same
Cast a giant shadow
And the world will thank you for it
The world will feel it
Like a blanket
On a cold night
Impact, fellow climber
And when you have
Take it in
From that high, high peak
And be proud
Of what you've given
To the world
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