Monday, April 9, 2012

The Mist in Copenhagen

The slight sensation you feel will pass
Breathe, it will dissipate

You are taking a plane tonight, yes?
You have a flight planned?

It is good
It is good to have plans

I, myself, do not anticipate leaving
Anytime soon

The water is cresting
Ebbing, coming in

We find words to deal with ways
To deal with denial

The water is coming

It doesn't speak our language, this water
In many ways, I find it similar to you

The Inevitable Visitor

Imposing, foreign
Holding more than a few secrets

That mist that comes off the water?

People who are not from here
Tell us it is a new kind of mist

One they have never seen before

Do you agree?

Do you see much mist where you are?

Or perhaps none at all?

Perhaps where you are from
Things don't rise off the water

I believe when it finally happens
When the water overtakes us
It will be very easy
To be a bad person
In this city

Everything will be

Who can tell the difference
Between a murdered body
And a body that drowned
Of natural causes?

Not quick enough
When the water came running

Sharper than a knife
This cold, black mist

I find it bites at me
It bites
And pulls back

Very quick

Well, I suppose your plane must be leaving soon
And all the better for you

It won't be long now
Until all of this
Is submerged

Perhaps you'd better get on with it then

What it is
You came to do

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