Monday, September 16, 2019

Eleven Great Aunts

My grandfather had eleven sisters
And, I think, one brother?

No, he definitely had a brother
But he died before I could meet him
In the way
No idea which war
But a war
I know it was a war

And that’s sad

But that’s not what we’re--

He had eleven sisters

And every year
When I was growing up--

They were all very old
Like, they were older than him
My grandfather
He was, like, younger by--

I don’t know
Fifteen years
Something crazy

He was an unexpected baby
And, um--

So by the time I was born
He was already, um, older
And they--the sisters--
Were quite old

Very old, um, and--

So every year
Growing up
One of them
Would die

At least, that’s how it seemed
To me
As a kid

And every time that would happen
My mom would be like--

You know, understandably, upset
She loved her aunts
But she would give me the news
With all this, uh, intensity
And, like, sit me down sometimes
And tell me about Aunt So-and-So
Who passed away
And she would have me call my grandfather
To, um, check in on him
Which I was fine with, obviously
But honestly
Everyone--she and everyone--
Would tell me about the aunt passing away
Whatever aunt it was at the time
And act as if I knew who she was talking about

I mean, we would go over
To my grandfather’s house
And there would be--no exaggeration
Like, if it was a party or something
Or a barbecue
There would be a hundred people there
And one of those people
Or eleven of those people
Would be the aunts
But I didn’t know who they were

I’m sure I was introduced to them
Or maybe I wasn’t
Because people think kids just know
Who everyone in the family is
Because they’re family

And so when they would say--

Oh, Aunt So-and-So died

I would be like--

Oh, that’s sad

Because I knew I had to be sad

But I had no idea
Who they were talking about

I’m sure at some point
I noticed there were less aunts
But there were still uncles
And cousins
And frankly
When you’re young
And have the beginnings
Of social anxiety disorder
A few less people
Can’t help but make you feel better

But now I think about it, and like--

I love my aunt
She’s amazing
And one day
She won’t be here
And I look at my nephew
And I wonder
Is he going to care?

When she’s not there anymore?
Will it matter to him?

All these people who mean so much to us
Are going to overlap
With other people who mean a lot to us
And yet
In a very real way
It’s going to be, if not impossible,
Very difficult
For them to mean something
To each other

And, uh....

I gotta be honest

That breaks my heart

It really does

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