Sunday, September 8, 2019

Eric Holder's Voice

Eric Holder talked me down

I was pissed at my boss
For claiming I only had
Five vacation days left
When I could have sworn
It was fourteen
So I walked over to Eric’s desk
And he explained to me
That my boss was just part of a system
Designed to maximize output

Then he reminded me
That technically
He’s just renting a space
In our office
So he can write a book
And I can’t keep coming to him
For advice on interoffice politics

He’s right
He’s always right

He’s Eric Holder

When he first showed up
We all left him alone
But one day
Someone stole a gourmet donut
From the staff room
And Eric suggested
That it might be Lindsay
And of course
It was Lindsay

She was spoken to
Eric was thanked
And from that point on
His thoughts were solicited
On a fairly regular basis

Everything from raises--

(“Ask for what you feel you’re worth”)

--To divorce

(“I got a guy.  You got time to meet with him next Tuesday?”)

The former Attorney General
Of the United States
Became a beacon
In the otherwise drab
Florescent lighting

Eric’s cubicle was a safe harbor
For those of us
Trying to avoid our annual review
Or a committee meeting
Or a run-in with Paolo
Who wanted to tell everyone
About his life-changing trip
To El Salvador

While he worked
On his top secret book
We’d sit across from him
Basking in the glow
Of his wisdom

“You know,” he’d say,
“I’m concerned
That you’re turning me into
Some mystic character
Which would be, uh, 

We understood that
And we were worried about it
As well

But it was more
About his voice
Than anything else

Talking to him
Was like having a self-help audiobook
Customized and narrated
Directly to you
By the most stable voice
You’d ever heard
In your life

Many of us grew up
With loud fathers
And mumbling mothers
And that lack of vocal authority
Had impacted us negatively
Far more than we had ever imagined

Eric fixed all that
With his soft but strong
Of direction and instruction

When we asked him
If he would take over the office
He kindly implied the obvious--

That after being the country’s
Top legal official
Running the fourth division
Of a for-profit gossip website
Could only be seen as--
If not a step down--
Simply inappropriate

We decided to bide our time
Until he finished his book
And then we would ask
To go with him
Wherever he went next

There was nothing left for us
In the office

You can only write about
Who’s dating who
And who caught an STI
From someone in Mykonos
So many times

Our future was with Eric Holder
And his voice

We were sure that if
We could convince him of that
He’d tell us
What to do


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