Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Even Investment Bankers

Here's what you don't know:

Even investment bankers
Find the moon
Hard to ignore

At night, when a cloud rolls by it
They sit up in bed
Check to make sure their wives
Are sleeping soundly
Then bound out of bed
On all fours like Saint Bernards

They run out into their yards
And howl into the night
But with such a distinct howl
Only other investment bankers
Will know that the time has come
To take to the streets
And call out of work sick tomorrow
Claiming a cold came on them in the night
But that they should be fine by tomorrow

Through the streets they run
Meeting up as they go
Licking the tired, cold smell of money
Off each other's faces
Stopping at pay phones
To check for spare change
In the coin slots
Finding that old habits are hard to give up

When they reach the bank
They will stand upright
And walk through the doors
Into the lobby
Where the moonlit marble will inspire them
To take off their shoes
And skate around on their socks

Even investment bankers
Find the cool feeling of marble
Creeping underneath your socks
To be too pleasant a sensation
To resist for very long
And so they skate around and around on it
Until one of them slips and falls
Through a hole in the marble
And winds up back in his bed
Forgetting the next day to call out sick
And being extra-grumpy for the remainder of the week

The investment bankers left over
Will walk through the wall of the vault
Where they will pull out dollar after dollar
Coin after coin
Valuable after valuable
From safety deposit boxes
With little or no personality

When they have emptied everything out
Onto the floor of the bank
They will begin to fill themselves up with it
This immense wealth

Their bodies will dissolve
And in place of them
Quarters will form toes
Nickels will form eyes
Jewelry will become hair
And bonds will become bone

As these new people are composed
Even the investment bankers
Will worry that perhaps the new people
Will become too powerful

Perhaps they will follow the lead
Of their creators
And walk through the vault
And over the marble
And into the streets
And use the moonlight
To become not-real-people
Who resemble real-people
But are really made up
Of pennies and greed

And so the investment bankers
Will walk back out of the vault
Fall back down on all fours
And howl together
All at once
Emitting the most unpleasant noise
That will cause the money people inside
To explode into all their original forms
Causing quite a mess
But a necessary mess
For the alternative was simply too frightening

Then the investment bankers
Will touch noses
And walk home together
Upset that the night has to end so soon

They will sulk and pout
Even as they walk back into their homes
And their bedrooms
And lie down in their beds

Even investment bankers
Enjoy using a moon
As an excuse
To become something else

But they find it's hard
To walk too far
From who you are

Without being reminded
That even when you can walk through walls
And skate on marble

Tomorrow you'll be expected
To do the expected
And not
A penny

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