'Cause she believes it
That's the thing
She got herself to believe it
Same as if she tattooed it on herself
Has something to point to
To say, look at that
It's real
But so she ain't a liar, you see?
So she can say she's no liar
And she's telling the truth, you see?
They all are
All of them liars
They're all telling the truth
Like it's gospel
Like it's verse and scripture
Like it's spoken from a burning bush
And they repeat it
They repeat what they hear
Why shouldn't they?
Isn't it the truth?
Isn't it?
The thing you have to remember is
Everyone's honest
And everyone lies
Used to drive me crazy
Not thinking of it that way
Then one day
I was sitting somewhere
Being bullshitted
Like I was the inside of a pig pen
On the first of the month
Shit coming at me from all sides
And wasn't I supposed to take it
With a smile?
And I looked at the person
Doing the bullshitting
And I realized
That she bought it
She really bought it
All of it
Do you believe that?
I guess I should say--
Can you believe that?
I couldn't, at first
But now I do
Even liars lie more
Than they think they do
Right now everybody on this earth
Is lying about something
They don't even know they're lying about
Because they're repeating what other people told them
Hell, that's called history
A lie is just something
That wasn't strong enough
To be the truth
But everybody wants it so bad
They think if they put enough talk behind it
It'll give it the power to be true
But it doesn't work that way
But they don't know that
And so they lie
So you see what I mean?
As far as honest goes
Everyone's honest
And everyone lies
Not everyone's a crook
Or a thief
Or a con man
But the truth?
The truth's like a hot potato
Most of the time
Seems like nobody can hold onto it
For very long
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