Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Providence Moment

What we've having is a Providence moment

Sort of like, you know how
David Ives wrote about being
In a Philadelphia

A certain situation
Stuck there
In this, these
That resemble
A place

Or maybe the way
A place makes you feel

That's sort of how I feel now
I feel like we just had
A Providence moment

Where you're with someone
Someone you've known of
Known about, for awhile
But never talked to
For whatever reason
And then one day
For no reason at all
You suddenly just decide to be brave
And talk to that person
That person that you've always wanted to talk to
And you do, you do it
And it feels...

It feels like it makes sense
You know, because if you think about
It does

It makes sense to actually converse with someone
You've seen around a bunch of times anyway
It seems like it makes so much sense
To go ahead and attempt
To connect with somebody
And yet so often

We don't
We don't even try

And then, for some reason
I keep saying 'for some reason'
But for some reason
We do

And then, you know
And then...

It's a moment
That feels like

Because, living here
I find that
I'm always pushed
To be brave

To be bold
You know?

What a stupid word
But still, yeah, bold

I feel bold


Because so many people here
Come and go
And go so suddenly
That you just look around
Every now and again
And you realize
You know
That it's stupid

I mean

It's stupid to let someone walk by you a thousand times
And think, I should talk to them
And then, not
Because you're, what?

You're scared they won't want to talk to you
You're scared they don't like you
They don't think you're cute, or, yeah, whatever

They'll keep walking

But most of the time, you know
They don't

I mean, some people
Yeah, assholes
They do

But most people don't

And those people who don't

When you say hi to them
And they say hi to you
And then you're talking
And then you're laughing
And then maybe there's a number swap
And then there's coffee
And maybe dinner
Or whatever

But somehow
You wind up
In a moment like this

Sitting in a car
In a rainstorm
Parked downtown
Soaked because you just ran in the rain
To your car
From a restaurant
Where you had really great sushi
And you're, like, hysterical
Even though you're soaking wet
And the city looks, you know, damn

I mean, some people hate it
Some people hate this city
But you look at it
You look at it in the rain
After sushi
With someone
Who was, like--

Who two months ago
Or whatever
Was a total stranger
But like, a total stranger
You'd seen, like, a hundred times

And suddenly you're where you wanted to be
In a car with them
Talking to them
Hearing them say, you know...

I like you

Just, hearing someone say
What you were really hoping they would say

And it's raining
And then...

Then maybe there's kissing
But, like, there doesn't have to be kissing
But maybe there is

And you're kissing

And you're happy

You're, you know, what--?


And it's because you were brave

It's a moment that exists
Purely because
You decided to stop being afraid
And go for it

And connect--you know?

This moment
This moment right now

Acknowledging how small the world
And this city
But also the world
Really is

And realizing that it's stupid
Not to take advantage of it?

This is a Providence moment

It makes me feel...

Like the city is saying--

All this happened
Because you were brave

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