Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Loved You When The Ocean Was Sand

I loved you when the ocean was sand

When the moon was a thought
We made up on a Sunday

I loved you when poetry
Was all we spoke

When books made up our tables
And our beds were where we fell together

I loved you when mythology was religion
And nature was made up of stories
Instead of science

I loved you when today
And yesterday
And weeks
And months
And years
And lifetimes
Were all
One thing

I loved you before I knew what family was
Before I knew to be afraid of anything

I loved you before there were words like 'depth'

And when I started to learn
I started to look away

I loved you even after you got up
And waded into the pooling water

Just to see what it was
To see if it was different
From the sand

I loved you when you felt that coolness
For the first time
And decided that the world had changed
And you could never go back
To what it had been

I loved you when the ocean was sand
When the moon went up
For the first time
And never came down

I loved you when I found words
And the first time
Words failed me

I loved you past explanation
Beyond logic
Or rational thought

I loved you so much
That when I let you go

Everything around me
Became ocean

And I became sand
So that I could always lay next to you
And feel you rush over me

Every night

Do you remember any of this?

If not, that's all right

I like telling you all this

It reminds me
That we were happy
Before we knew
What happy was

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Kevin. I (try) to be a short story/prose writer, and just saw 3 One Acts last night at The Artist's Exchange. This was my favorite.
