Sometimes I tell myself
She'd like that
And I set it aside
It sits there
For awhile
Until I'm reminded
That it no longer matters
What she likes
And then I put it back
It goes back to its place
But I'm changed
Impacted, by that moment
That moment of forgetting
I find that I'm jealous of objects
I find myself angry at them
For reminding me of her
For changing me
While they remain unchanged
I'm mad that they get to go back to their place
Where they belong
I'm not sure where I belong anymore
The world has shifted
And now every seat is a little smaller
Every room has a little less space in it
Each umbrella seems to let by
A little more rain
I've never reached this point of sadness before
This particular instance
Of grieving
I know the steps
I remember accepting
And then this came along
A sort of...epilogue
To inform me
That this sadness
This peculiar sadness
May be
Never ending
And it concerns me, obviously
Well, to be truthful
It frightens me
That I may never go past it
That I may continue to be envious
Of books and photographs
And people who can tell them
I find myself angry at children
For being so...
Just for being children, I suppose
They don't tell you
That envy may come after acceptance
And that after that
There's something else
Something you can't quite...
It's peculiar
It's very peculiar
This sadness
It reminds me of the beginning
Of when this all happened
When I got the phone call
Telling me she...
I didn't know it would be cyclical
I thought I would
Check off each stage of grief
And then continue on
Until finally--healing
I didn't know the first part
Would come around again
Stronger than before
And knock the wind out of me
Again and again
Strange how strong it can be
We talk about it like it's passive
Like it's this weak thing
That we must simply overcome
That we can overcome
That can be beat
We don't talk about it like it's strong
But it is
It's very, very strong
Sometimes I find myself
Sitting in a chair
Feeling like I'm looking at it
Like I'm looking right at it
This monster in my garden
In my house
In my bedroom
And I think to myself
Isn't it peculiar?
Isn't it?
This thing
This thing I can't seem
To rid myself of
This thing that's caused my plants to die
And my bed to go unmade
And my dishes to go undone
And my life to crack and splinter
And even in that moment
Even then
All I can do
Is sit
And hope
That maybe
It will go away
On its own
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