Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Will Be There at the End

I somehow knew you'd die alone

Don't ask me how
But I knew

I looked into the future
And saw a little old lump of a thing
Lying in a bed
And a voice inside my head said--

'That's you'

And of course I thought
Wow, that's...awful

I really have to make sure that doesn't happen
But obviously there was no way to prevent it from happening
Since there you were
Right ahead of me
Dying alone


What could I do?

Try to lead a different sort of life
A life filled with people?
Younger people
Who would definitely not outlive me?

What did it matter right?

The future is the future

So all I could do was skip ahead a little bit
And make sure that at least I was there for me
When the moment came

So here I am
And there you are
And, uh, gosh

I guess I should offer some...comfort, or something?



Okay, so...

I'd tell you that you lived a good life
But I haven't lived the life you're going to live yet
So I can't say that

I'd tell you that you were loved
And you are
Because I am
But somehow that must have gotten...messed up

Or something get it

I'd like to ask what happened
But I don't want to bring up painful memories
Even if they help me avoid living the sort of life
That leads you to a place
Where you die
With only yourself beside you

To be honest, what I'm looking at right now is...

Pretty much my worst nightmare

But I have to say
For a dying person
You don't look
Half bad

I joke when I'm nervous
But you already know that

Right now I just have so much
Running through my mind

All I can think about is...

Who have I been distant towards lately?
Who do I owe an apology to?
Who do I miss, you know?

Maybe one of those people
Would be here right now
If not know

I mean, I keep making this about you
But I guess
It would sort of have to be
About me too

For whatever it's worth
Even if it is inevitable that I wind up here
I'll still try to avoid it

Maybe I'll just wait until I'm a little bit younger than you
And then just nosedive
Off a mountain or something

No matter what
I'm going to try really hard
Not to be you

Nothing personal
Although, I is

I'll sit with you

I'll tell you stories
About all the things I want to do

Who knows?

Maybe you'll remember some of them
Maybe you did some of them

For now, don't think about the past
Just think about what lies ahead

I can't see it, but...

I bet it's really something

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