Tuesday, June 30, 2015

We Might Be Heroes: Friends

(RHONDA, JO, and MISSY are all sitting at a kitchen table.  JO is reading a magazine.)

RHONDA:  I think we need to turn her in.

JO:  I agree.

MISSY:  She’s not a rabid dog.  She’s our friend.

RHONDA:  Our neighbor.

MISSY:  And our friend.

RHONDA:  Your friend.  I don’t even like her.  And now that she’s a mutant—

MISSY:  You know, you sound like one of those villains from the X-Men movies.

RHONDA:  Jo, what do you think?

JO:  Throw her in the moat.

MISSY:  What?

RHONDA:  What Jo’s saying is—she’s been hiding a secret from us, and now she wants our protection, and I say, Screw that.

JO:  Screw that.

RHONDA:  Exactly.

MISSY:  She can’t even really do anything.

RHONDA:  Missy, please.  She’s Doctor Freeze.

MISSY:  It’s called Mr. Freeze, and she can’t even freeze that much.  The most I ever saw her freeze was this cooler we took to the beach one time, and that was very helpful.

RHONDA:  You’re blinded by your affection for her.

MISSY:  So what?  Maybe I am.  At least I’m a compassionate and decent person.  You want to burn her at the stake.

RHONDA:  No, I don’t!

JO:  Throw her in the moat.

MISSY:  Jesus, Jo, where we gonna find a moat?

RHONDA:  I want to turn her over to the government so that they can help her.

MISSY:  Help her how?  By turning her into a science project?

RHONDA:  You’re such a conspiracy theorist, Missy.  You watch too much Investigation Discovery.

MISSY:  Was I right about the aliens?

RHONDA:  Oh, come on.

MISSY:  Jo, was I right about the aliens?

JO:  She was right about the aliens.

MISSY:  Thank you.  Thaaaaaaaaaaaank you.

RHONDA:  You’re scared of aliens but you’re not scared of the human popsicle next door?

MISSY:  I’m not scared of her, because she’s my friend.

RHONDA:  She’s nobody’s friend.  She’s just biding her time until she can take over the world.

MISSY:  Why would she want to take over the world when the aliens are going to destroy it anyway?

RHONDA:  These aliens might end up being nice people.

MISSY:  Don’t you go defending the aliens now!

RHONDA:  I got no beef with aliens.

MISSY:  But you got beef with Gina?

RHONDA:  The aliens never lied to me!

JO:  ET phone home.

RHONDA:  Thank you!  ET was a nice alien.  Find me an example of a nice person who could turn their friends into ice cream if they wanted to.

MISSY:  It’s nothing, Rhonda.  It’s like a—a—a parlor trick.

RHONDA:  Yeah, well she ain’t comin’ in my parlor.

MISSY:  Nobody wants to go in your parlor.

RHONDA:  What the hell is that supposed to mean?

MISSY:  Nothing, I’m just sayin’.

RHONDA:  You sayin’ I got a dirty parlor?

MISSY:  I’m sayin’ your parlor don’t interest me.

RHONDA:  You would love to sit in my parlor.

MISSY:  I’d rather sit on a bed of nails than sit in your parlor.

RHONDA:  Oh, you’re gonna get it, Missy.  You’re on thin ice.

MISSY:  You better just keep your mouth shut about Gina, you understand me?

RHONDA:  Why are you protecting her?

MISSY:  Because I don’t have many friends, and she’s one of them.  I’m not letting them send her into war just so she can throw some ice at a couple of spaceships and get herself blown up.

                (JO makes spaceship sounds.)

RHONDA:  You’re doing the wrong thing.

MISSY:  Oh, like you never do?

RHONDA:  I’m a honest citizen, Missy.

MISSY:  Oh yeah?  Is that why you got an illegal tattoo parlor in your basement?

RHONDA:  That is a legitimate enterprise.

MISSY:  Well, I’m sure the government would love to hear about it.

                (A beat.)

RHONDA:  Fine.  I’ll keep my mouth shut.  But somebody’s gonna fine out, Missy.

MISSY:  Well if I don’t say anything and you don’t say anything, maybe we’ll be okay.  You gonna say anything Jo?

JO:  Throw her in the moat.

MISSY:  Yeah, I think we’ll be good.


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