Monday, July 1, 2019

Chaplin in Arabia

Chaplin’s in Arabia
Making a movie
For the sultan

He does his little box
That nobody can see
And plucks his mustache
Like a jester’s jester

Not a gesture left
But only a story
Told through stuck
Communicated via eyebrow

He’ll twitch a lip
The sultan claps
Chaplin rides the wrong horse
And this gets a laugh

Apples are thrown
Where did they get apples?
They have apples in Arabia?
Chaplin doesn’t ask
He can’t
He won’t
There’s nothing
He’s willing
To do
That involves
Speaking up

Chaplin prays
On an old prayer rug
Owned by a man
Who lost everything

He hears the birds sing
The ones kept from flying
In the sultan’s private apiary

Chaplin doesn’t
The words
That he can’t
To entertain
For his own

Arabian food
Disagrees with him
Or maybe it’s his nerves
He sits late at night
The birds
Would stop chirping

Wishing somebody
Would come get him

Do they know he’s here?

Have they been made

Chaplin wants to run
But where to

He’s in no danger
He’s as good
As they say
He is

He says nothing
That’s the rub
He conducts a symphony
Made out of rubber
And air

His baton
Not there
His violinist
Just space

The sultan seems angry
Or maybe he’s puzzling
He’s becoming
A puzzle

The audience
Tries to find something
In what
Isn’t there
And in doing so
Renders themselves
For trying
For having tried

Chaplin wags his head
And tells his tail
A joke

The tail may like it
But the sultan removes
From the room

The rug’s rolled up
The candles snuffed
There’s gratitude for the service
But never enough

There’s still so much history
To be had
After that

But Chaplin
As of now
Is in Arabia

With a white white horse
He’s not supposed to ride

And a punchline
He can’t


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