Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What A Girl Wants

When I was thirteen
My bedroom floor
Was the bedroom floor
To end all
Bedroom floors

If you want to know
What kind of person
Any thirteen-year-old is
Just look at what they keep
On their bedroom floors

Now, mine looked like a mess
But it was actually
A very carefully-curated mess

Just the right magazines
Splayed open
So you could see their covers

Certain articles of clothing
With certain things written in them

The infrequent bit of make-up
A scrap of paper with a phone number on it
One rollerblade

That’s the kind of bedroom floor that says--

This is the room of a busy girl
A girl with dreams
A girl who’s going places

And if you walked into my room
And moved around the carefully placed items
You would think to yourself--

Wow, I want to be friends with this girl

And if you walked into my room
You would always
Hear What A Girl Wants
By Christina Aguilera

I had it on a loop
It tells you a lot about somebody
What they play in their room

And that song
Perfectly encapsulated
Me as a human being

The vibe
The lyrics
The materialism
All of it

You know, sometimes, back then
I would walk into people’s rooms
Different people from school
And people who wanted to be friends with me
And I would survey the floor

Some rooms were too messy
Too much stuff
No order
No reasoning
Just mess

I didn’t like that

Some were too clean
Bare floor
The person must have thought--

Oh, I’ll clean up for her

So it’s possible
They might have been interesting people
But I had no way of knowing that
And that’s sad
It really is

Anytime I would walk into a clean room
I just felt like--

Like it was such a missed opportunity
You know?

But when I would walk into a room
And find just the right amount
Of clutter

No trash
No spills
Nothing dirty


I would get so excited

And then I would listen
To whatever music they had on
And if they didn’t have music on
I would make them put music on
And I would tell them
To choose very wisely
Because, you know, this was going
To make or break them

And sometimes
I would approve of their selection
And sometimes I wouldn’t
But one time
One time
This guy
Put on What A Girl Wants
Without being told to
And let me tell you
That guy

That guy?

He ended up being
The one
The one gay man
I’m still friends with
To this day

So you see
The little things?

They’re important

And even a mess
Can be gorgeous
If you look at it

The right way

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