Monday, July 1, 2019

Front Row for the Hologram

We got front row
For the hologram

Two tickets
Two hundred apiece

Kinda nuts
Unless you pretend
You’re actually seeing Elvis
And then it’s not so bad

It’s as--

How much would you pay
To see Elvis?

To see the real Elvis?

So if you think of it that way
It’s really not bad
At all

Four hundred bucks

We can’t afford rent this month
But they say if you’re going to spend money
Spend it on experiences
And this was an experience
And rent isn’t an experience
So it seemed like a no-brainer to me

And we were so close

We were so close
That if hologram Elvis
Had been actual Elvis
We would have been able to
Reach out and touch him

I almost wanted to anyway

Just reach out and--

I don’t know if I would
Get in trouble for that or not

I wouldn’t be touching
An actual person

I wouldn’t actually be touching
Anything, really

So would security rush me?
Would I get thrown out?
Would it disrupt anything?
Would the hologram stop singing?

What would happen?
I just want to know
What would happen

But it all--

It kills the dream of it
The reason you buy the ticket

To engage
In a--a--community sort of way
With the dream
The collective dream
That’s what it’s about

And my hand
Going through
The air
Where the hologram--

Where Elvis is supposed to be
That would--

It wouldn’t disrupt
The hologram
But it would
Disrupt the dream

And it might be like
When you wake up a sleepwalker

You know how
You’re not supposed
To wake up a sleepwalker?

It’s too jarring?

It would be like that
I imagine

If I were to do it…

I won’t do it

I just want to know
That it’s not Elvis
Because if it was Elvis
I wouldn’t be able to--

So I need to know
It’s not him

I--I know it’s not him
But I need to know, you know?

I need to really know

And I don’t know
How to do that

I don’t know how to prove to myself
That something I know isn’t there
Really isn’t there

I don’t know how to prove
That nothing is nothing

I don’t know how to prove
That the dream
Is just a dream
And that it can’t be anything more
Than a dream

Maybe the front row
Was a mistake?

Maybe I’d be better off
Sitting far, far away

Far enough away
To know
That what I’m looking at

Isn’t real

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