Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kennedy Plaza

I’m going to get on a bus
In Kennedy Plaza
And the last place
I’m ever going to see
For the rest of my life
Is Providence

They’re filming a movie
On my block
And that was the final straw

Because I heard them
And they were talking
The people doing the movie
The director
Was talking to the, you know
The actors
And, uh, they were saying
How the movie
Is all about these poor people
And that’s how I found out
That I’m poor

That I live
In a poor neighborhood

And so I also learned
That perhaps
I might
Be poor

And that was all
I had to know

Because poor
Has a lot to do
With where you are

So you see
Whereas I might be
Providence poor
I would be
New York destitute

I would be Boston

And I would be San Francisco

But I could be
Arkansas rich

Montana wealthy
South Carolina rich
North Carolina decent

People love to complain
About Rhode Island
But we don’t leave Rhode Island
Because we secretly know
That there are very few places
On this Earth
Better than Rhode Island

Better in the sense that--

We have beaches
We have a mall
We have Denny’s
The entire state doesn’t smell like urine
And our racists feel sort of bad
About being racist
To your face
In public
As far as I know
As a white person

That’s not bad

And so when we hear
That we can live somewhere else
For cheaper
We go on and on about it
But we don’t actually move there

We might talk about moving there
But we don’t really move there
Except I’m moving there

I’m moving

I’m getting on this bus
And I’m going as far as I can
Until the people I see
From the windows of the bus
Look worse off than I ever could be
And then I’ll get off the bus
And build a life for myself
Built on the great American idea
That all you have to do
To be successful and happy
Is to surround yourself with people
Even more miserable than you are

Right now
Everyone around me
Is AS miserable as I am
And that was fine
For awhile
But that’s not going to cut it anymore

And that’s how I feel
About Rhode Island
In general

It was good
For a long time
For me
And it might still be good
For other people
Right now
But it’s not right
For me
Not anymore

So I’m getting on a bus
And I’m going somewhere
That feels right for me

And I have no idea
Where that place is
Or if it even exists

But I have to look for it
I have to go looking because--

Because the living
Is in the looking

It’s not about whether or not
You can actually find it

It’s about the looking
It’s about--

Getting on the bus
And not getting off
Until you see something
Going by you
That you want
To grab hold of

I’m going to get on a bus
In Kennedy Plaza

And the next time
I step off that bus
I’m going to be
A whole new person

Someone Providence
Wouldn’t even

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