You love me like a new car
And I’ve got some miles on me
I can take you only so far
Before I stop
Because my engine’s
And when I put the coolant in
It goes up
Like a frying pan
I’m good for quick love
Not because I don’t desire
A longer kind
Nothing that’s ever
Let you down
Has wanted
To let you down
Nobody who’s ever
Failed to show up
Knew they wouldn’t
When they left you
Looking out
A window
I wish I was a broken clock
So then at least
I’d have two times
When I was right
I used to be
A snooze button
And people used me
To disappoint themselves
Before that
I was a wing on a plane
And the feeling that came
When we’d hit
That last mile
Was like knowing
Something you knew
Nobody else
Would ever know
I could never give you
The full history of me
Because even the parts
I like to remember
Are only a small part
Of the real me
Somebody pushed
And I gave
And created something
Out of the given
And the push
You think because
I don’t work
I never worked
Let alone worked
But I remember Grade A
I remember gold stars
I remember being in a catalogue
And hearing that I was top line
That I was impeccable
That I was a source of pride
So don’t judge me
Because what you’re judging
Is the latest version
Of something
That used to be considered
And that wasn’t even
What I was going for
I was only trying
To go forward
And let people see me
The way they wanted to
There are better things
And bigger parts of me
That were detached
And reassigned
And now after a meltdown
I’m a board game piece
Every time you get better
You get smaller
Not larger
Larger is harder
To get right
I’m glad I’m not much
Of anything now
Because at least I know
That what I am
Is right
So you can look
At what I could do for you
And think somebody else
Could do it better
And you might
Be right
But I swam in clouds
And I woke people up
And I was a new car
Before I wasn’t
And I know exactly
What I’m capable of
You stand there
Judging what arrived
In front of you today
But yesterday?
And the day before that?
I was shinier
Than the shiniest object
That ever blinded you
I was so bright
Forget about loving me
You wouldn’t even
Be able
To look
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