(JOHN, JANE, MATT, and MARY are all finishing dinner at a restaurant.)
JOHN: --And that's what they want. They're--You know what they're doing?
JANE: John, calm down.
JOHN: We're calm, we're--We're with our friends, Jane.
JANE: I know, but you get worked up and--
MATT: He's right though, Jane.
JOHN: You see? They agree with me. This country is not safe for (whispers) rich people anymore.
MARY: It's so true.
JOHN: God forbid a guy makes a buck here and there. He's the bad guy.
MATT: They're demonizing hard work.
MARY: It's true.
JOHN: I earned every penny I have. Every penny.
JANE: John, your blood pressure.
JOHN: They are taxing the middle class into the lower class.
JANE: He got that from a talk he went to.
JOHN: This talk at the Elk's Club. The guy blew my mind. Do you know that Chicago isn't a real city? It's made up. I always had a feeling, but--
MATT: You should see what I paid in taxes this year.
JOHN: America hates the rich. Not that I'm rich.
JANE: Oh God, no. Far from it.
JOHN: We're just getting by.
JANE: You know where we went on vacation last month? Tacoma.
JOHN: I'm no Joe Monopoly.
JANE: We didn't even stay the whole week.
JOHN: But even with what we make, it's tough.
MARY: I know, you could never imagine what we go through.
(A beat.)
JOHN: Yeah, but, uh, what do you mean 'we?'
MARY: 'We.' Me and Matt.
JOHN: You mean 'us,' right? All four of us.
(A beat. Then MATT and MARY laugh.)
JANE: What's so funny?
MARY: It's just that--Well...uh, you two are--
MATT: You work very hard.
MARY: So hard. We're always saying that.
MATT: I'm always saying that.
MARY: We always say 'John works so hard.'
JANE: That's so nice. Isn't that nice, John?
JOHN: But then why--
MARY: We're just saying you're not rich.
(A beat.)
JOHN: I mean, I don't want to brag, but--
JANE: We shouldn't talk about money.
JOHN: No, no, but we--Jane and I--we're very...comfortable.
JANE: We went to Tacoma last month. Four days. Three nights.
MATT: We know you two do okay, but--
JOHN: We do better than 'okay.'
MARY: We're just saying comparatively--
JOHN: Compared to who? To you?
MATT: Well....
JOHN: I'm sure we do as well as you.
JANE: John.
JOHN: I'm just saying--
MARY: John, it's nothing to get worked up over, you're just...not rich.
(A beat.)
JOHN: How dare you.
JANE: All right--
JOHN: I am as rich as they come!
MATT: John, look, there's rich and there's...rich.
JOHN: What are you talking about? Rich is rich.
MARY: No, John.
JANE: I started buying the yogurt with the granola on top.
JOHN: Rich is rich.
MATT: John, what I make--
JOHN: How much could you--
MARY: It's more than you, John.
JOHN: How do you know that?
MATT: How many houses do you have?
JOHN: What kind of question is that?
JANE: Do you mean like a regular house and then a doghouse? Because we like keeping Skippy in the house with us. He has bad anxiety. All chihuahuas are like that.
MARY: We've got our house, the beach house, the chalet--
JOHN: You have a chalet?
MATT: That's what we're telling you, John. We're rich.
MARY: And we're very grateful.
MATT: So grateful.
MARY: And you're comfortable.
MATT: You look very comfortable.
MARY: And both are just fine.
(A beat.)
JANE: John, why are you so angry? We did the chalet too when we pulled up.
JOHN: That's a valet, Jane. A valet. They're talking about a place where they stay just for when they go skiing.
MARY: We don't even ski. We just like hot chocolate.
JOHN: To hell with you and your chalet.
MATT: John--
MARY: You don't like to ski. And you don't like hot chocolate. And we weren't sure if you'd like using a private sauna.
JANE: Do you rent it out when you're not using it or--?
MATT: John, none of this matters. We're friends. We've known each other for years. We share the same values.
JOHN: You know what I value? Hard work.
MATT: I've worked hard.
MARY: Matt works very hard.
JOHN: Your father gave me you the company!
MATT: Your father gave you YOUR company.
JOHN: And it was a mess! Do you know what I had to do to get that company in shape? My father was a crook!
MARY: John, we're sorry your father was a crook--
JOHN: How dare you call my father a crook!
JANE: Talking about somebody's father like that. I'm surprised at you, Mary.
MARY: Look, I'm just going to say it--
MATT: Mary--
MARY: If you want to know the problem with this country--
MATT: Oh boy.
MARY: It's that we've got all these people walking around thinking they're rich, when they're not rich.
JOHN: You're telling me I'm not rich?
MARY: You're not rich! You've got one house, two cars, your pool is aboveground, you only go out to eat twice a week, and you vacation in Tacoma.
JOHN: Jane, we're leaving.
MATT: I'll get the check.
JOHN: Oh no, you don't. I'm getting the check.
JANE: John, let Matt get the check.
MATT: You got the check last time.
JOHN: I'm getting it.
MARY: You're just trying to prove a point.
JOHN: You think I'm letting you rich bastards pay for my meal?!?
MARY: How ungrateful you are.
MATT: So ungrateful.
JOHN: I hope they tax you people into kingdom come! Eat the rich!
JANE: John, how much should we tip?
JOHN: Three percent. CLOSE THE WAGE GAP!
MARY: See, this is why we ever invite you to the chalet.
End of Play
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