Saturday, November 28, 2009

He Got Me

So there I was
Just resisting away
Planning to resist forever

And finally, I thought--


Why am I resisting?

Here's this guy
Here's this guy who is madly in love with me
Here's this guy who is literally crazy about me

Like, loving me, drove him crazy

And here I am
Loving you
And getting nowhere with that
As you're well aware of

And why?

You know?


Because some messed up portion of my brain
Has completely given itself over
To the idea of forbidden fruit?

That's insane

That's totally insane

And I bought into it

I rationalized chasing you
You, the perceived to be 'diamond in the rough'
Which you're really not
While a perfectly good guy
Chased after me

And I resisted

Do you ever think maybe we need to just think about our brains
The way we think about computers?

Maybe we need to reprogram them

If our computers brought up Solitaire
Every time we wanted to go online
We'd take them in to be repaired

But our minds make us love idiots
When we want to love somebody good for us
And we tell ourselves that's normal

It's sooo not normal

And it's such a recent thing, you know?

Like, it used to be
That you married someone
Who was good to you

You didn't think about passion and love
Because, I mean, we're all going to be old one day
You know?

We're going to be really old
And none of us are going to look good
And we're not going to have sex...much
And all our bad habits are going to ferment
So that they're ten times as worse
As they were when we were young

And here we are now
Making decisions
Based on all these things
That will not be a factor
In a mere fifty years

Isn't that ridiculous?

I just think it's so ridiculous

So I chose him

Yup, he got me
He totally got me

I had a flat tire
And he showed up
And waited with me
Until the tow truck came
And I was like--

You got me

Because it needs to be that simple
If it's not that simple
It needs to be

You go with the guy
Who shows up

Being there is like ninety-nine percent of love for me now
And you were never there

You were all these amazing things
But you were never there
So what's the point?

It would be like owning a mansion in Mozambique
I mean, it's great that I own a mansion
But if I can't ever go to Mozambique
If I can't even get a passport to go there
And if Mozambique is clearly in a state of civil unrest
Because it won't stop sleeping with giant whores

Then what's the point, you know?

So he got me
And I'm glad
I'm really glad he got me

I gave up

And you know what?
It's amazing

It's really amazing
How I didn't give anything up
I got so much more
Than I ever thought I would

And they call this
A compromise

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