Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Leaving Rhode Island: Movies

I left Rhode Island
And I didn’t even need a letter
Telling me to

You know why?

Because I worked at a movie theater
And one of my shifts was on Bargain Tuesdays

Every Tuesday, these little old people would line up
And all year long, they’d bitch about the weather

It’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold

Can’t do anything, might as well see a movie
Because it’s so

And yes, in the winter, it is cold
In the Fall, it can be chilly
Even Spring has its colder moments
But we do, actually, get decent Rhode Island summers

My first summer working at the movie theater
The first hot day?
I got all excited
At the thought of not having to see that line of old people
Complaining about the weather

But there they were

‘Too hot,’ they kept saying, ‘Too hot to do anything
Might as well see a movie’

A state where a beach is literally
Within a half-hour’s driving distance
Where there are lakes and parks
And—and don’t let anybody fool you—plenty of shit to do
And here they were
Standing in line
To see a movie

I turned to my supervisor and said—

‘Why are they here?  They complain all year
About not being able to do anything
Because it’s so cold
And now finally it’s nice out
And they’re still standing here
Paying to see a movie’

And my supervisor looked at me and said—

‘They’re not paying to see a movie
They’re paying to complain
It’s Rhode Islanders’ favorite pastime
Bitch about the weather’

I quit a week later

I mean, how do you live like that?
Or, like, around people like that
Who—all they want to do is complain?

How is that entire state
Not suffering from a deep depression?

Man, I got out of there
And you know what?
I haven’t been to the movies since

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