Saturday, July 26, 2014


You just whistle
And he'll come over
Ask you what you want

You know what you want?

Ha--I bet you do

Don't stutter though
Just say it plain
Stuttering makes them think
You're a narc
And we don't need that shit
Not today
Not any day
You got it?

How's your sister doing?

She ask about me?

Fuckin' bitch

No offense

Not like you got anything to do with it

You doing good in school?

High school's rough, I remember
That's why I only stayed there two years

I was sitting in a classroom one day
And a bullet came through the window
Got my friend Chris right in the shoulder

I said, You know what?
If I can get shot in here
I might as well get shot out on the street instead

The last thing I want to see before I die
Is some fucking chalkboard
With numbers on it

Why do you look so nervous?

You get that tic just like your sister

That's how I knew she was cheating

You know she was cheating on me, right?

She tell you that?

'Course she didn't

Fuckin' bitch

No offense

You want to get into this
You have to learn to stay still
Kids your age, these days
It's like learning how to set things on fire
Using only your mind

So jumpy

You jump, somebody's going to get the wrong idea
Just stay still
I'll do the first one for you
Guy knows you're new at this anyway
He's giving you something special
I asked him to
Since we go back

You make sure you know the people you're dealing with
Otherwise you could get some shit that'll kill you

This is my guy
Now he's your guy
You understand?
Stick to him
Stick to me
You'll be fine

Just don't tell your sister we did this, all right?

I don't need her calling me up about it

This'll just be between you and me, okay?

You know, doing this shit isn't what makes you a man

Keeping a secret?

That's what does it

That's what grows you up

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