Now listen
I ain't no man
So I ain't thinkin' about
Acting all stupid
And waving some cape at you
Like I'm Jo Jo the Magician
You wanna charge me
You're getting this sword right in your neck
And don't think I'll feel bad about it
Because I won't
Because I'm in no mood
And you've been warned
So you don't have any excuse
To go all rogue on me
Do we understand each other?
Now my name is Billy
And I will be your matador today
And yes I am a girl
And no that does not mean
That I will be putting up
With your livestock nonsense
I was raised on a ranch
So if you think I can't turn your ass into filet mignon
And still get home in time for 'Price is Right'
You got another think comin', sweetheart
Now, if you play your cards right
This can be a walk in the park for both of us
Because I don't plan on killin' nothin' today
If I don't have to
This is a brand new matador outfit
And I don't like getting bull blood on it
Until Tuesdays, because that's when I do my wash
So you just got lucky I guess
Now, here's what you're going to do
Don't go snorting at me
Like you don't understand
At my Daddy's ranch
They call me the bull whisperer
I once got a bull
To castrate itself
Without anesthesia
So don't go actin' like
I'm speakin' Canadian to ya
Because we both know that's not the case
Now I want you to make a lot of noise
And start limping around on one of your legs
Ain't nobody here wants to see an injured bull
Get slaughtered
They want a show
And if you're not gonna give 'em one
They'll put you back in the barn
Until you're feelin' better
Then they'll sick you on El Doro next week
And your chances with him'll be a lot better
Than they are with me
You can trust me on that
That man's a walking jelly donut
And about as smart as one too
So you have my permission
To stick him
Like a voodoo doll
Should you be so inclined
All you gotta do is start bendin' that leg
And make a sad little bull face
And I'll head home
With my costume unbesmirched
Do we have a deal?
Mr. Bull, you seem to have a good bit of common sense in ya
If I didn't know better
I'd swear you were a cow
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