Dear Friend,
We flew in
We flew in from Dallas
And L.A.
And Boston
And Brazil
We flew in
Because we heard about your father
And we felt it was necessary
Despite the expense
Despite the fact that you would have been okay
With us sending a card
We felt it was necessary
For you to look down the center aisle of the church
And see your friends sitting there
In a row
Actually there
To be there
If you needed us
We understand that there are things in life
That should not be phoned in
Birthdays that end with the number zero
Weddings, except for third weddings
You get the first two
But after that
All you're getting is a card
And a 'Good luck'
And funerals
Especially those of parents
Those cannot be phoned in
And so we flew
Right now, we are using sick
And vacation time
We are missing our kids' basketball games
And when they ask us why
We'll say--
'Because there will be other basketball games
But someone only goes through something this hard once
If they're lucky
And it's important to support them
When that happens'
We want to teach our children
The value of friendship
That life is not simply about getting married
And buying a house
And having kids
And then dropping off the face of the Earth
Life is about the people
Who made you
The spouse and parent you are
Because they made you better
Because they were your friends
When you needed them
And so you learned trust
And conversation
And kindness
And now it's time to pay that back
So we flew in
And we're here
If you need us
We know how you are grieving
Because we have lost our fathers too
Or our mothers
Or siblings
Or, in some awful cases
A spouse or a child
And so we know how valuable it is
To be in the presence
Of a circle
A circle of people holding hands
So that no matter which way you fall
There will be hands
To catch you
We will catch you
We are here
And we will be here
For as long as you need us
To be here
Until the sick days run out
And we lose our jobs
Until our children grow old
And forget about us
Until--well, maybe
We're exaggerating
But what we mean is
We're here to do the work
Of being your friend
Because this is not the fun part
Of being someone's friend
This is the work
But it is work
We are proud to do
We are proud
To be able
To be here
For you
So let us
We're in the back
Down the aisle
If you fall
The People in the Back Row
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