Sunday, January 1, 2012

This Is Success

So most of my friends
Used to hate me

I mean, at least
In some capacity

My friends are all actors
And actors are, by nature, competitive
I mean, we have to be
And so, aside from like, my friend Jen
Who everybody loves
Because there's always one in every group
That everybody loves
Because they're like
Pure goodness
But, like, aside from Jen
We all have varying levels of, like
Okay, maybe not hatred for each other
But definitely fear

Fear that one of us will do really well
And steal that portion of success that exists out in the Universe
Away from the rest of us

I mean, like, who's any movie star's best friend, you know?
And, like, not even best friend
Like, acquaintance

There aren't many groups of friends
Who just all became successful, you know?

So when one of us does
The odds of it happening for the others--

So, there's fear
You know
There's fear

And then I got the movie
Which was...

A big deal
I mean, it was
It was a big deal

And everybody...stopped...talking to me

I mean, not everybody
Jen still talked to me
Jen was happy
She was--so happy
For me
Which was--

But a lot of people
Clearly were--
Like, upset

A lot of people were--
Most just stopped talking to me
Like, altogether

And I mean, I made new friends
Of course
Like, friends who were as successful
As I was going to be
And that was fine, but--

I didn't realize that...

That they were that afraid
That afraid of someone making it

And so now I don't have anybody
Who remembers me, from like
Before, like--

Like before the movie

And, it's...

It's weird

You know, your history is in people

It's not on some timeline
Or, like, in photos
Or in a book somewhere

It's in the people you know
And the people you've known
And who know you
And knew you

And I don't have those people anymore


It really sucks

I wish I could say something eloquent about it
But really?

It just sucks

This is success

Nobody would believe me
If I told them

But it's true

This is success

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