I'm just standing the doorway
Waiting for you to make a mistake
Take a guess
Give me some indication
That you know
You fucked up
Oh, maybe you haven't fucked up yet
But you will
We both know you will
Don't we?
That's the thing about you
You should just wake up everyday
And apologize
For all the shit you're going to do
That day
It would save you
A whole lot of time
But that's not why I'm standing in the doorway
I'm not trying to avoid you
I'm not trying
To keep away
From your potential mistakes
Actually, I like them
They help me keep
An upper hand
I could never date a saint
I'd be too...self-conscious
Your mess is always comforting to me
The only time you're not making one
Is when you're asleep
And even then
I can see your body twitch
And squirm
Wanting to wake up
And cause more trouble
Sometimes I get in bed with you
And put my arms around you
To see if I can calm you down
But you thrash
And kick
And I've still got a scar
From when you scratched me
Because I tried to hold you
Too tight
So now I just keep a little distance
And watch
From the safe distance
Of a doorway
Then you wake up
And say--'Come here, come here'
It's not that I don't want to, babe
But I have to stop myself
I have to keep standing in the doorway
Waiting for you to make a mistake
So I know
When to walk away
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