Sweetie, you'll never believe this
But there will come a day
Trust me on this--
When dork becomes a sexy word
Right now, you want that mysterious
Cool, hard-to-name something
When you're young
Everything without a name
Is attractive
When you get older
You get tired
You find it tiresome
To have to constantly search
For a thing's name
You want people to wear who they are
Like a name tag on their shirt
You begin to appreciate simplicity
You begin to appreciate a lot of things
I know right now
You look at your father
And me
And you think we're just
The least cool people in the world
But what you don't know
Is that I thought the same thing about my mother
And now--
And if you tell her this
I'll kill you
She seems like
The coolest person
In the world
And my Dad
Was a giant dork
Model trains in the basement
And everything
And I swore
I would never marry anybody
As lame as he was
When I got older
After dating every degenerate
And paroled felon
In the tri-state area
I realized that there's something to be said
For a man who enjoys the precision of model trains
And who spends his nights at home
With his family
That's not the coolest thing in the world
But it makes for a good marriage
And a good man
And an ungrateful child
Who, luckily
Smartened up just in time
One day you'll smarten up too
But until then--
And don't tell anyone
I ever told you this
Because I'll deny it
And disown you as well
Until you get smart
Enjoy being dumb
The dorks will be waiting
When you're ready for them
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