Monday, January 5, 2015


I gotta go
I don't want to, but...
I have a life, you know, and...
And it isn't this
Although this would be nice
This--this would have its perks
You being one of them
You would be a perk
You and your beard
You and the way you wear sweatpants
You and that dry humor that drives me crazy
You, my friend, you--are a perk

And also--an interruption

Because I have this whole, you know, life
It's a good life, too

I have a good job
I have a house--unpaid for, but, you know, nice
A nice house
It's all--everything is...


And you--let's face it, you're not nice

I mean, you might be nice
You're--it's not that you're not nice, it's that--

You would interrupt me

All that I've worked for
All that I earned
Everything that, if I lost it, would--

You make the idea of throwing everything away
Look so appealing

It's the way sunlight hits something
And makes it look clean

You hit me
And I look reckless

And not only do I look reckless, but, truthfully
I like the way recklessness looks on me

But I have to say 'No'
And get dressed
And apologize
And kiss your back
And let you sleep
And not...


This life you have going on

The same way I don't want you
Interrupting mine

Sometimes you have to find the value in something like this

You have to tell yourself
That the beauty of it isn't what you think it is
That the brevity, the sharpness, the disruption
That those--things--aren't anything to be upset about
That they're actually...

It's a fire in a forest

Quick and devastating
But it leaves behind better soil
So stronger things can grow

I'm going to leave
But thank you

From now on, when I bump into people
And they notice something about me
Something different that makes me seem happier
That gives me a different sort of smile

I'll just say 'Thank you'
And that'll be all


It'll be you

You'll be what I think of

And this

This little...


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