Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Robots Teach You to Dance

The robots teach you to dance
They come once a week
And take you out on the floor
And go over your steps
And if you forget the steps they taught you last time
They teach you them again
And because they’re robots
They’re very patient
And they never get frustrated with you
Even when you step on their toes
Because obviously it doesn’t hurt them
Because, you know, they’re robots

And it’s lovely because you don’t feel embarrassed
Not at all!
Because they’re not people
They’re robots
And so you feel totally, uh, totally—un-self-conscious
You know?
--About the whole thing
Which is exactly how you should feel
When you’re trying to learn how to dance

There’s this one robot
Now, uh, none of them have names
But, uh, well, everybody who takes the courses
The lessons, rather, we give them names
Even though we’re not really supposed to
Because it just makes easier, for, you know
Conversational purposes, later on
When you’re discussing with your friends
Or, uh, the other people in the class
About which robot taught you what

So there’s this one robot named Marcus
That, uh, that I’ve named Marcus
Because he mainly teaches me
And he is just—Well, he is very patient with me
And I am—Haha—not a quick learner
But he just goes over things with me
Time and again, and speaks very tenderly to me
In this monotone voice that I imagine he has
Because he’s a robot
Although I do think they should give him
A more human voice
Because he does have this rather kind human face
That sort of looks British
I mean, they make these robots in Taiwan
But the robot—Marcus—he looks British
Sort of British anyway

But his voice is just very—


--Step left, move right

And it makes it very…

Well, there is an intimate side to dancing
That, uh, you have to embrace in order to do it correctly
And so you sort of have to be willing to
Uh, fall in love with the person you’re, you know, dancing with
And so, even though Marcus is a robot
I found myself, uh, thinking about him
--Only while we were dancing you understand, but, uh—
--I found myself…thinking about him in…a certain sort of way

And not a bad sort of way either
At least, I don’t think so
But I’m sure others…

…Would have opinions

Well, anyway, we dance, Marcus and I
And when we do, I…look at him
I look very closely at him
And we touch
And his touch is cold
And mine is warm
And no matter how warm mine is
His…remains cold
And so it becomes something for me to do
While we dance
It takes my mind off the dancing
Which is important—when you’re dancing
The whole—self-consciousness thing
It’s better to think of other things
And so I think about warming up Marcus
I think about…

Oh God, it’s crazy, but…

In my mind, I pretend I’m the Blue Fairy
And he’s Pinocchio
And I…

If I do it properly
If I dance the dance correctly

He’ll become real
He’ll become…

This is going to sound crazy, but…

He looks like my husband
A little bit, maybe not a lot, but…
A little bit

And so I find myself
Whispering to him
While we dance

I find myself saying…

‘Marcus, is it you?’

My husband’s name was Marcus too
And he was also sort of British
And he was a very good dancer

I whisper to the robot, to Marcus
And he doesn’t say anything
Except for the usual—

--Step left, move right

And we keep dancing
And I keep stepping on his toes
But I keep thinking
One day I’ll get the steps right
And I’ll dance the dance perfectly
And the music will stop
And I’ll look at Marcus
And there he’ll be

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