Saturday, December 21, 2019

I Have No Idea Why I’m Waiting In This Line

I have no idea
Why I’m waiting
In this line

I saw a line
It had a lot of people in it
I got in line

I’m assuming
Something is at the end
Of this line

Could there be nothing
At the end of the line?

What kind of line
Would that be?

Something has to be
At the end of it

Is it something
That I would want?

Well, all these people want it
Why shouldn’t I?

Aren’t I good enough
To want
What everybody else
In this line wants?

Except nobody in this part of the line
Knows what’s at the end of it either

Somebody said
That the people at the beginning
Must know what it is
But we can’t see the beginning
Because at a certain point
The line goes into a building
And from there
Who knows what happens
Because we can’t see
Where the people who go in
Come out
I don’t know
We might all be standing in line
Just to get murdered or something
But, like
If I wait all this time
And all I get at the end is death
I’m going to be really mad
Because I shouldn’t have to wait this long
To die

It’s cold out here
People are irritating
I have stuff to do

But if I don’t get to see
What’s at the end of this line
I am going to regret it
For the rest of my life

A line this long
And you’re telling me
There’s nothing decent
At the end of it?

Could I be disappointed?

Of course I’m going to be disappointed

There is no scenario
In which I walk away from here
Not disappointed
Unless I walk away dead
Which, in some cases,
Still might be better
Than disappointed

Why wait to be disappointed?

Because it’s better
Than walking away

Somewhere there’s a line
And on that line
Is satisfaction, disappointment
And death
And I know where I fall
On that line
Unlike this line
Where I could either be ten minutes
Or two hours away
From knowing
Why the hell I’m standing here

The wind is kicking up
The biting frost is attacking my bare skin
The jacket I have on is nowhere near thick enough
To be used for this kind of activity

Standing around
Not moving
Shuffling feet
Waiting for who-knows-what

If I had known I was going
To stand in a random line today
I would have dressed differently
But sometimes lines just form
And you get in them
And that’s why you always need to be prepared
To do things
You don’t want to do
Before you even know
You have to do them

There’s a lesson in there somewhere
And maybe by the time I reach
The front of this line
I’ll find it

In the meantime
I’m going to miss my son’s wedding

But things like that happen
And there’s nothing you can do about it

Once you’re in line
You’re in line
That’s it
That’s all there is to it

What are you supposed to do?

Walk by a line
And keep walking?

Keep right on walking
To the church
Where your son is getting married
And forget about the line

Who could do that?

I mean, what kind of person
Could do a thing
Like that?

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