Thursday, December 12, 2019

Your Father Liked to Take Me Dancing

Your father liked
To take me dancing

I’d say ‘Where we going tonight?’

He’d say, ‘Just you wait’

So I’d wait

That place out past Letvax
That’s where we’d go
And the band there
Was this old bunch of geezers
Who liked to play so loud
You’d come home
With your ears buzzing

If you came home

Every so often
Your father would leave me there
Make me walk back home

Not because he was mad at me
You understand
Just because he wanted to see
If I could do it

Girls and women went missing all the time
On the road back from Letvax

Not even always at night
Sometimes in broad daylight
Sometimes you’d see them
And a car would pass by
And they’d be gone

People started thinking
It was supernaturally inclined
Because it happened so many times
And nobody seemed to know
What was going on

Between here and Letvax
There aren’t many people
And everybody knows everybody
So nobody could believe
That this one’s father could abduct
This one’s daughter

Or this one’s cousin
Could abduct that one’s mother

We thought maybe it was a monster
Sheltered somewhere in the woods
Jumping out and snatching the innocent

When your father first warned me
About walking about at night
On the road
I told him I wasn’t afraid of whatever it was
Snatching those girls

He laughed at me
Thinking I was speaking foolish
But I told him
It was as true as anything

I didn’t have no fear
For nothing at all

Not with the father I had
And the brothers
And the man a mile down from us
Who we entertained on holidays
And who taught me
What staying on your toes is

Your mother’s a peculiar sort of person
Because she’s not scared
Of what she doesn’t know

She’s known too much
To be scared
Of the unknown

And your father liked to test me
See if I was telling truths
So he would take me out dancing
And when it got so late
And we were both so cocked
We could barely recall
Our own names
He would get in the car
And drive off
And I’d start to walking

It might take me all night
To get back sometimes

Strolling in just in time
To make you kids breakfast
And your father still passed out in bed
Figuring he’d be a widower
When he woke up

But no, there I was
Holding out his coffee to him
Shit-eating grin on my face
Because proving a man stupid
Is the greatest joy
Any woman’ll ever know

Pretty soon he started taking me
To bars far past Letvax

To other towns
Strange towns
Places I didn’t know
That I didn’t know the way home from

And every time
I’d find my way

Somehow or other
I would

Those later times
When I’d walk through the door
He’d be waiting for me
And I’d say--

‘Shall we go dancing again tonight?’

And oh, he’d be mad

He’d be so mad
He wouldn’t know

What to do

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