I can’t help that
Given the chance
I would want
To see what’s behind
Door #2
That’s built into
The human condition
I have my person
I love my person
My person is great
But we have been taught
As a society
That love and sex
Are the same
And that they are linked in a way
That cannot be separated
And while some of us have evolved
Some of us have just said--
You know what?
I can handle love
And I can handle sex
And I can handle
Keeping the two of them
Far, far apart
The thing about sex
Is that it’s like being on
A 1950’s game show
I know the toaster oven is cute
I could use it
I could use a nice toaster oven
But you’ve got me looking
At Door #2
Asking if I want something
Just because it’s not
The thing
I can have
And people go for it
Time and again
They go for it
And then you have other people going--
Why aren’t they just happy
With the toaster oven?
Because, Ma’am
We have all seen the episode
Of the game show
Where the person
Kept the toaster oven
And behind Door #2
Was the car
Now, if they really wanted us
As people
To be happy
With what they have
They would have ALWAYS
Put a can of mayonnaise
Behind that door
But they didn’t
They put fun stuff
And they made people feel bad
About their toaster oven
Now, the toaster oven
Wasn’t any less effective
At making toast
Just because it wasn’t a car
But it just wasn’t anything more
Than a toaster oven
I remember one woman
Asking if she could see
What was behind the door
Before she chose
Like, as a joke
And everybody laughed
But then she goes--
Well it might be something
That you all think is better
Than the toaster oven
But I already have a car
And I thought that was so smart
Because she was just curious
And she might have chosen
Door #2 out of curiosity
Not because she wanted
To lose the toaster oven
So, you see, it’s not even
That all of us out here
Are looking to screw up
Our lives
Some of us are just curious!
I’m curious
I want to know
What my options are
And we have this way of living
That we’ve created
Where we want you
To put all your eggs
In one basket
And be happy
With that sad little basket
That’s why I’m always saying--
I’m going to pass
On whatever you offer me
For whatever might be
On the other side
Of that door
Not because
I always think
It’s going to be better
I know that
Most of the time
It’s going to be worse
But we’re all fighting
Not just to know
What our choices are
But to have a choice
Even when we don’t
Sometimes the best you can do
Is knowing
What you could have had
Choosing to lose
Is fine
Because at least
It’s still
A choice
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