Thursday, December 24, 2020

When the YouTube Haircut Video Radicalized Poor Phil

      (PHIL is on the computer attempting to cut his own hair.)

TUTORIAL:  The most important thing is not be afraid.  Are you afraid, Phil?"

PHIL:  A little.

TUTORIAL:  It's okay to be afraid. Cutting hair can be intimidating.

PHIL:  Yeah.

TUTORIAL:  Not nearly as intimidating as the way the government tries to oppress our liberties though, right?

PHIL:  Uh...sure?

TUTORIAL:  Let's talk about length!  Do you want to go short or super short?

PHIL:  I guess--

TUTORIAL:  I can't actually hear you, because this is a YouTube video.

PHIL:  Right. Sorry.

TUTORIAL:  (Laughs.)  Don't be sorry, Phil.

PHIL:  Wait, what?

TUTORIAL:  You clicked on short, not super short. So let's talk about how not to cut your hair too short, okay?

PHIL:  Okay.

TUTORIAL:  Because if you don't know what you're doing, you're no better than the incompetent politicians and oligarchs who run this so-called democracy, are you?

PHIL:  Uh--

TUTORIAL:  You got your scissors?

PHIL:  Um, yes.

TUTORIAL:  I bet you'd love to use those scissors as a weapon against enemies of justice, right?

PHIL:  Uh--no?

TUTORIAL:  We feel you, Phil.

PHIL:  Are you sure you can't hear me?

TUTORIAL:  We definitely can't.  You got a mirror there with you?

PHIL:  Yes.

TUTORIAL:  Look into it--and ask if you're willing to die for what you believe in.

PHIL:  Should I do that before or after the haircut?

TUTORIAL:  We're trying to save this country from the terrorists and you're worried about hair?

PHIL:  Sorry.

TUTORIAL:  It's cool, Phil. Hair is what we're here for, right?

PHIL:  Right.

TUTORIAL:  Here in this bunker in Oregon where we--teach people how to cut hair.

PHIL:  Must be a new-age salon.

TUTORIAL:  It's a new-age salon.

PHIL:  I was right!

TUTORIAL:  You're so smart!

PHIL:  I am smart!

TUTORIAL:  You can cut hair.

PHIL:  I can cut hair.

TUTORIAL:  And overthrow oppressive regimes.

PHIL:  And--huh?

TUTORIAL:  Whoa!  Slow down there, buddy.  Let's start with shaving your head first.

PHIL:  I'm going to shave my head?

TUTORIAL:  And tattoo the words of John Wilkes Booth on your scalp.

PHIL:  But I didn't want a super short haircut.


PHIL:  Uh--

TUTORIAL:  Grab the razor.

PHIL:  I didn't know I was going to need a razor.

TUTORIAL:  Go get a razor and a cauterizing pen.

PHIL:  What do I need--

TUTORIAL:  For the tattoo.

PHIL:  I don't--


PHIL:  Sorry.

TUTORIAL:  Oh, and grab a towel while you're at it so you can put it around your neck. You can warm it up first if you want.

PHIL:  No, that's okay.

TUTORIAL:  Isn't this fun, Phil?

PHIL:  Um.

TUTORIAL:  It sure is. Revolutions are fun.

PHIL:  And haircuts?

TUTORIAL:  Not as much fun as revolutions.

PHIL:  Seems like they'd be safer though?

TUTORIAL:  Hard to say. Make sure it's a sharp razor. And while you're getting the razor, go look up some of what Marx has to say.

PHIL:  Who?

TUTORIAL:  Wow, Phil. We have a lot to teach you.

PHIL:  Can I give myself a mohawk?

TUTORIAL:  Sure, Phil. Why not?

PHIL:  And can I not do anything illegal?

TUTORIAL:  Law is subjective.

PHIL:  Oh boy.

TUTORIAL:  And make sure you subscribe to our channel for more haircut videos.

PHIL:  Okay?

TUTORIAL:  Nothing but haircut videos here.

PHIL:  Sure.

TUTORIAL:  And that's what you say if anybody asks you, Phil.

PHIL:  All right.

TUTORIAL:  Thanks, Phil. Trust us. Once this is over, you're going to look great.

     End of Play

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