You can be proud
To take him home
He’ll disappear
Into your mother’s wallpaper
And sit silently
While you and your father
Argue over numbers
That don’t add up
He won’t question
Why you continue
To work at the firm
Knowing that his ulcer
Is only going to worsen
And his hair will continue
To thin and eventually
Fall out in hot showers
So scalding
The steam will make its way
Down the hall
To the bedroom
He doesn’t ask questions
And he’s interested in money
But not from a reliable perspective
As in, he’s not trying
To financially rely on you
Of course, in some ways, he will
Because if you want to go to Aspen
That’s you wanting to go to Aspen
Not him, although he’s excited to go
But the rule should be
That you pay
And because you’re the one
In the relationship
That loves to travel
You’ll pay more than he does
And so a significant amount
Of the costs in your relationship
Will be paid by you
But he will never want to have an opinion
About where to eat
Or what you should wear
And he’ll never insist
That you visit his family
On holidays
Because he’s really
Not that close with them
And, in fact, he’ll never even ask you
To learn all that much about them
Aside from when his sister visits
And he takes her out for dinner
In the city
A dinner you can attend if you like
But you rarely will
And he won’t complain
And that’s yet another reason
You find him so well-suited to you
Your last boyfriend complained incessantly
About every little thing
He would complain about your work
And then hit at luxuries he’d like to experience
That could only be paid for
By your work
In other words
He wanted to know nothing
About what you did
And he knew
That you couldn’t tell him
So it worked in his favor
To complain about long hours
While still asking
Why you weren’t staying
In a nicer hotel
On an upcoming trip
To London
You were never proud
To take him home
Only worried
Because he became
More committed
To getting drunk
And while he never caused a scene
He couldn’t blend in
With the wallpaper
No matter how hard he tried
After two years
Your father pulled you aside
And told you that time was up
And that was when
On the ride home
You told him he’d need to pack his things
And be gone by the time
You got home from work
The next day
He didn’t even put up a fight
But instead remarked
That no ride lasts forever
And you hoped he was speaking
Within some kind of metaphor
And not implying that he saw you
And your kindness towards him
As some kind of roller coaster
That was fun while it lasted
Why would that bother you?
Who knows
This boy will do just fine
He’s courteous
And affable
And your father has already indicated
That at any point
You’d be welcome
To plan your wedding on the Cape
And he’d foot part of the bill
Because it would be good publicity
For the firm
Show off a little progressiveness
For a change
That makes you happy
And you search the room
For this wonderful man
You’ve brought with you
To this ghastly affair
Celebrating somebody’s retirement
But you don’t see him
And then you realize
The point
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