Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Scissors in Beauty and the Beast Would Like to Remain Scissors, Thank You Very Much

Mademoiselle, I am so flattered

That you would offer

To lift the curse

And make me a man again

But I must tell you

I am, how you say, very contented

As what I am

A beautiful


Pair of scissors

Just think of all
I can do




I am so useful

As I am now

What use will I have

As a man?

Because I can work?
Because I can labor?

Because I can toil?

Who should want

To toil and labor

When one can

Be an apprentice

To a dressmaker

Or be used to cut up

Little shapes

Out of paper

Swifty sever the strings

That hold a package closed

Or open a bag

Of frozen peas

Look at me!

As a man I was small

Not in height

But in presence

As a pair of scissors

I am long


With a gleaming edge

And I am never alone

Because there is no such thing

As a scissor

Only scissors

The very nature of my being

Means that I can never

Think of myself

As solitary

Look at my handles

Two perfect circles

By which to grab

Unless you hand me

To someone

In which case

You grab the duller part

Of my blades

With a firm grip

I am something

That can be


There is no handling

A man, not really

His pride will not

Allow for such a thing

I have no pride now

What am I

But a fine member

Of a junk drawer

Tucked away, neatly

In the cavernous space

Of the palace

Perhaps there are

Other pairs

Of other scissors

That I have not met yet

There is so much

For me to find

And I must do so

With the help of others

Once I am given back
Legs and arms

I will believe

That I can do everything

For myself

Why would I want to live

In such a way?

I have been independent

And I have been of service

To others

And I must tell you

I prefer the latter

So thank you

For your offer

To make me

One of the hundred

Butlers that used to butle around

This place

Day in and day out

But I think

I must


Men, you know

They are a dime a dozen

But a good pair of scissors?

Now that

Are hard

To find

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