The Keeper of the Years
Gave me one back today
It was a year in which
I was oh so very happy
And I had forgotten it
Because the next year
Was very sad
Sometimes a sad year
Can make you forget
A happy year
And even though
It is very hard
To forget a sad year
Happy years like to use
Their happiness
To run around the world
And the memory of them
Can be very hard to catch
Sad years are sticky
And that makes them
Very hard to get of
Even though they can’t harm you
Once they’ve passed by
The Keeper of the Years
Is the one in charge
Of all the years
And the memories
They’re made up of
But if you forget a year
The Keeper can give it
Back to you
But she rarely does
Because with each day
We make more memories
And the Keeper knows
That a person can only hold
So many memories
Before they become heavy
With all that frantic happiness
And all that gummed up sadness
I went to the Keeper of the Years
And asked her
If I could have
A happy year back
There was no way to ask
For a specific year
Since you can’t remember
What it is
You can’t remember
But I knew there had to be
At least one lost year of happiness
That I no longer
Carried with me
There was so much sadness
That I was sure
There had to be happiness
Hiding them somewhere
The Keeper of the Years
Listened to my plea
And went into her bag
Of all the years
And for a moment
It appeared that I was wrong
And there was nothing lost
Only a lifetime
Of sad times
And misfortune
But then, a smile slipped
Across her face
And I saw that she had
Found something
She thought could be mine
What she pulled out
Was a tiny pearl of a year
With what looked like
A bright light
In the middle of it
And all around the light
Swirled numbers
And letters
That made up stories
I never remembered telling
And days I couldn’t recall living
When I held the pearl
In my hand
A year rushed back
Of family and friends
And great adventures
And things I couldn’t believe
I had left behind
In my mind
‘How could I have forgotten this,’
I asked the Keeper of the Years
Finding that my elation
At regaining a year
Was quickly turing
To frustration with myself
For having been so careless with it
In the first place
The Keeper of the Years
Had me come stand by her side
So she could open her bag
And let me look in
At all the years
That have ever been lost
“But look,” she said, “They’re still lit up, aren’t they?
The light never goes out
They shine until someone
Comes looking for them”
The Keeper put her hand
On my shoulder
As she said--
“How they were lost is of
No interest to them
Only that one day
Someone asks
To see them again”
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