Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Queen Talks to The Horse

      (A chess board.)

QUEEN:  Are you planning to move?

HORSE:  I was going to let one of the pawns move first.

QUEEN:  But after that--

HORSE:  I figured I'd just go right down the line.


     (A beat.)

HORSE:  Is that...a problem?

QUEEN:  Uh, well, I was meant to tell you--

HORSE:  Yes?

QUEEN:  You can't move that way.

HORSE:  What way?

QUEEN:  In a straight line.


QUEEN:  Yes.

HORSE:  So I'm like the Bishop then?  I move diagonally?

QUEEN:  Uh. No.

HORSE:  What other way is there to move?

QUEEN:  Uh, well--

HORSE:  Can I move into any square around me? Like you?

QUEEN:  No. Of course you're not like me.  You're a Horse. I'm a Queen.

HORSE:  So how do I move?

QUEEN:  In an L shape.

     (A beat.)

HORSE:  An L shape?

QUEEN:  Yes.

HORSE:  What does that--What does that even mean?

QUEEN:  You can move three squares down and one over.

     (A beat.)

HORSE:  What?

QUEEN:  Or three squares up and one over.  It's an L shape.

HORSE:  Three down and one--

QUEEN:  An L shape.

HORSE:  Please stop saying 'An L shape.'

QUEEN:  Well, that's how you're able to move.

HORSE:  How--what is the point of that?

QUEEN:  It mixes things up a little.

HORSE:  Why can't the Rook mix things up?

QUEEN:  The Rook provides basic support.  You allow for more strategy.

HORSE:  Strategy?

QUEEN:  Yes.

HORSE:  I'm moving around like a rogue hot air balloon.

QUEEN:  Not--

HORSE:  Zig zagging all over the board.

QUEEN:  It requires thought before moving a Horse.

HORSE:  Nobody is ever going to want to move me.

QUEEN:  On the contrary, they will most likely move you first.

HORSE:  Why is that?

QUEEN:  Because they're not as hesitant to sacrifice you.

HORSE:  Your majesty!

QUEEN:  I know you're disappointed.

HORSE:  Why can't I just go down the board?

QUEEN:  We already have pieces that can go down the board. You get to go down and then over.

HORSE:  But only by one square.

QUEEN:  You'd be surprised how often you come in handy.

HORSE:  This is demoralizing.

QUEEN:  Is there anything I can do to help?

HORSE:  Can I be made into a catapult instead?


HORSE:  Can I shoot fire out of my eyes?


HORSE:  Can I have a little hat?

QUEEN:  That would be adorable--


QUEEN:  --But not.


     (A beat.)

QUEEN:  I have a brilliant idea.


QUEEN:  What if we changed your name?

HORSE:  My name?

QUEEN:  Yes. We could call you something else.

HORSE:  Like a catapult?

QUEEN:  No. You're clearly not a catapult. It still has to be something appropriate.

HORSE:  Soooo like...a Steed?

QUEEN:  Hmm...How about...A Knight?

HORSE:  But I have no knight.

QUEEN:  But knights ride horses.

HORSE:  But I'm just a horse.

QUEEN:  But the knight can be assumed.

HORSE:  An assumed knight?

QUEEN:  Yes!  Doesn't that sound fun?

HORSE:  Uh, well--

QUEEN:  A Knight you are!  There. I feel better already.

HORSE:  Can't I just move down the--

QUEEN:  Take the L, Knight.

HORSE:  Yes, your majesty.

QUEEN:  Now we've got ourselves a game.

     End of Play

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