Saturday, January 30, 2021

The 2021 Contemporary Theatre Company Audition Monologue

Well, as you can see

From my face

I’m not sure

How to feel about it

You know, what was going to be

The visit I take

Every week


It just took a turn

She walked right up to me

And stood there


For what--

For what had to be--

God, I don’t even know

Thirty or forty seconds

Which doesn’t sound like--

It doesn’t sound like a lot

But I promise you

When you’re looking someone

Dead in the eyes

And you have no idea what--

And, you know, I suppose

If I’m being fair

She was more beside me

Than in front of me

But it was a diagonal

It was sort of a--

She was looking at me

On a diagonal

And so there I am

And she’s beside me

Out of nowhere

And it’s like--

Suddenly this maniac

Is standing beside me

You don’t need no context

For that one

You don’t have to know

All the details

You just know

That you’re in the middle

Of an aquarium

And some woman

Is looking at you

Like you’ve done something wrong

So I said--

God, what did I say?

I said--

‘Did I do something wrong?’

And I was looking at her

Just the way

I’m looking at you now

Like one of those assassins

You read about

In Assassins Monthly

And she says to me--

‘Have you ever stolen anything?’

Which I thought was a trap

And I do not appreciate

Being trapped

So I said ‘I’m going to mess

With this woman’

And I said--

‘Yes, I steal things ALL the time’

And do you know
What she said to me?

She looks diagonally at me

And she says--

‘I used to steal all the time too

But I stopped just last week

I’m a bit of a cold turkey gal’

And I assume

She was talking about

The sandwich she was eating

Because I don’t know what else

Cold turkey could mean

As I’ve never tried to quit anything
In my entire life

But she and I get to talking

And it turns out

She’s not accusing me

Of stealing a fish
She’s there to steal

The jellyfish they keep

In the little tank

By the gift shop

And she asked me

If I would help her

And, you know,

Had it been a Tuesday

I would’ve said--

‘Absolutely not’

But it was a Thursday

And Thursdays are my Fridays

Which means I really didn’t have

Anything else to do

So I said ‘Sure, I’ll help’

And the next thing I know

I’m hanging over a jellyfish tank

And this woman

That I just met

Don’t even know her name

Let’s call her Raisin Bread

But I don’t think that’s what it is

But she’s got me by the ankles

And she’s saying--

‘I will hold you up

‘I will not let you fall’

Which is exactly what my father 

Or ‘The Father’ if you’re French

Used to say when he was holding me over active volcanoes

And yes, true, he never did let me fall

But that was because I had the presence of mind

To superglue his hands to my legs

Every time he would take me on of his 

Wonder of the World expeditions and--

Where was I going with this?

Oh right

So I’m looking at these jellyfish

The same way I’m looking at you right now

And I see this scuba diver

In the tank

No idea what she’s doing down there

But she looks happy

Like she’s on Cloud Nine

I would find out later

That she was feeding the jellyfish, which--

Did you know

You have to feed jellyfish?

I thought they were like blankets

Or plants

I thought you just stuck them somewhere

And went on your merry way

But apparently

You have to feed them

So this scuba diver

Is looking up at me

And I’m looking down at her

And I say--

‘Lovely weather we’re having’

‘I wouldn’t know, I’ve been inside all day’

--Is what I think she said

But it came out as--

Blurgle gurgle flurgle boon-durgle

Because she was underwater

So the whole thing sounded

Like the Swedish Chef

From the Muppets

I’m looking down

Into the eyes--

Are they eyes?

Do jellyfish have eyes?

I don’t know

But I’m looking at something

And the jellyfish is looking at me like this

Look at my face

Like this--

. . . . .

Well, Bob

That’s when I made my decision

Before I could think about it much more

And change my mind

I stuck my hands

In the water

And pulled out

The biggest jellyfish I could find

And before the scuba diver could stop me

Raisin Bread pulled me up and out

And we made a mad dash

Out of the aquarium

Through the doors

That look like a shark’s mouth


As far as how the jellyfish

Wound up

In the leisure wear section

Of this Target

Well, that I don’t know

I don’t know

I’m telling you

From my lips

To God’s Ear

I do not know

I can’t be in charge

Of every jellyfish I kidnap

That just wouldn’t

Make sense

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