Monday, June 9, 2014

Leaving Rhode Island: Tokyo

He always wanted to save me
And ultimately, all that did
Was destroy him

I was a black hole
A little black box without a key

When they sent me away
First I went to Detroit
A city without people

I thought I'd wander the streets alone
Like the last human on earth
All grey cinematography
And I found a certain comfort in that idea

But I got there
There was still noise
The commotion of the dying

Kept me up at night
I sent Nathan a postcard
Saying I have to move again
But I wasn't sure where

I didn't think it would be Tokyo
Who knew I could swim across oceans
Dolphins on one end of me
Sharks on the other

When I got there, I got a job
At a movie theater
That only showed foreign films
And that meant any American movie
That made more than a hundred million stateside

When I had enough money saved up
I'd blow it all on a hotel room
Pretending I was Scarlett Johansson in 'Lost in Translation'
Wondering where Bill Murray was
Wondering why the Japanese businessmen weren't offering me money for sex
Wondering what Nathan must be up to

At times, life became blurry
Like an old television with a broken antennae
And I'd wake up in a life I didn't know I had

If you turn it into a game, it can be fun...for awhile
Guess who your friends are
Guess what you did last night
Guess whether or not you still have a job
Or what the guy sleeping next to you thinks your name is

The other day I woke up on a rooftop
With my feet dangling off the ledge
And I remember dreaming about being next to a pool
Wanting to jump in

What do you do when a part of you wants to live
But a better, smarter part of you
Wants you to die?

Next to me on the roof
Was a letter saying 'Come back'

I didn't know if it was a joke or not
Or if I wrote it myself
Or how I got it
Since, at that point, I had no address
And nobody knew where I was
Not even Nathan

Especially not Nathan

'Come back'

I wanted to say 'Where?'

Where am I supposed to go back to?
How do I get there?
Do you know?

Do you?

Some trips you only get to make once, you know?

Sometimes life only goes
One way

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