Wednesday, July 14, 2010

They Don't Tell You It's Good

They don't tell you this
But sometimes it's good

Sometimes it's bright butter Sunday scotch topping
And terrible headaches that go away
When you give into it

Sometimes you get to fuck for hours
And dissolve into another person
That you have never met

You can touch her breasts
And hear her beg you
To keep going
Keep going
Keep going

They don't tell you about this
This they won't mention

They won't tell you that your secrets
Will become public knowledge
And the knowledge will allow the public
To put you on their hands
And carry you to the fountain
Where you will be absolved
By one and all

They don't say that you'll get skinny
And inspired and creative
And laidback and sexy
And hyper and manic
And moody and alive
And dead at the same time

Everything you want you'll have
Because you won't want anything
From anyone ever again

But that they won't tell you
They won't tell you that

They'll tell you about the needles
And the tears and the homelessness
And the hopelessness
And the rags
And the revulsion
And the statistics

But they won't tell you
That you won't give a shit about it
Because you got a girl from upstate
Giving you a lapdance
In your friend's living room

A girl that wouldn't have looked at you
Back when you were a nobody in school

Back before you let the town's main manufactured product
Creep into your veins
Into your eyeballs
Into your nostrils
Into your bare skin
Into your neck

Into all the parts of you that could be hurt before
Now, no more
No more
No more

You're steel man now aren't you, butterscotch?

You're yummy now
You're delicious

You're going to close your mouth now
You're going to loosen your tie
You're going to die

You know that, don't you?

You're going to die

They told you that part

But they didn't tell you the other stuff
They didn't tell you it's good

That sometimes it's so good

You'll die for it

You'll die wondering who turned out the light
Before you could see
How good it was

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