Sunday, April 8, 2018

Maxwell Plays Guitar

Maxwell plays guitar
And I’m drunk
And twenty-three again

I got my leg
Kicked up
On a stone wall
Near Byson-Wickman

The mosquitoes bite
The crickets chirp
And the guitar sounds like
Two people trying to sort it out
With Guinness and a few cigarettes

Maxwell comes from the town
Where my cousin lives
And he taught himself guitar
After his father died
When he was ten

The guitar belonged to his father
And his mother said--

‘Have it’

Like it was something
She would have thrown out otherwise

He taught himself a lot of things
Including how to take care of her

The first job he ever had
Was janitor at the high school
He dropped out of
And that was how I met him

I was there for the state science fair
With my project on ponds and lakes
And Maxwell caught my eye
Going into one of the bathrooms

I tried not to smile
And he tried not to see me
Trying not to smile
And the next thing I knew
I was in the bathroom
Getting kissed in front of a dirty mirror
With the words ‘Fuck off’ written in what looked like lipstick
Which is odd
Since it was the men’s room

A month later
It was summer vacation
And Maxwell had plans
To go to London

He wasn’t telling his mother
And he was sure that without him
She wouldn’t be around very long

In a way, he was sort of
Already grieving her
And grieving for his dad
And for a part of himself
Now that he'd made up his mind
To be an orphan

I tried to think of profound things to say
But nothing made more sense
Than the silence
So I just sat there
Listening to his guitar
And the crickets

Twenty years later
I’m in London
And I’m eating with my guy
At this overrated French place we go to
When we want to feel the weight of our wallets
And get drunk on nice wine
So we won’t have to think about
How much we fucking hate each other

In the corner of the restaurant
There’s a little stage
Where they bring in people
To play guitar
And that night
There was Maxwell

Looking older
But then again
I probably looked older than him
At that point

He caught my eye
And he knew

Started singing the song
From the stone wall
That summer evening
And I found myself
Holding my glass to my lips
But not drinking

My guy must have said something
Because I put the glass down
And excused myself from the table

A few minutes later
Maxwell and I
Were in the bathroom
Kissing in front of a very clean mirror
And thank god the man who hands you the towels
Was having a smoke
Because I’m not sure
It would have mattered to me
If he watched

While we were kissing
I made the mistake
Of opening my eyes
And got a good look at myself
In the mirror

There was a man
Who’s not young
But not old yet either
Because he doesn't have any wisdom
Which is almost worse

A man in that middle place
Trying to take a few steps back

But I didn’t stop

I just kept going
And Maxwell did too

We went on and on
And it was almost ridiculous
That nobody else came in
And my guy didn’t come looking
And the manager didn’t come looking for Maxwell
And that the world turned and turned
And just let us have this moment
Until we were done with it

We didn’t stop
We couldn’t stop

I honestly don’t know what
Could have made either of us


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