Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Vegas for the Night

She wants to go back tonight?

To L.A.?

I’m not going back tonight

I got enough things to worry about
Without having to deal with that fucking car ride

All those hours sitting next to her
With my fucking luck
We’ll break down in the desert
And get kidnapped by, like
Some crazy desert serial killers or something

We can just stay here instead
I got the free room

There’s only three of us

Shit, she’s just worried
That you and me are getting all whatever
And she’s gonna be a third wheel

I tried telling her
It’s all fun for everyone
But she just wants to pitch her tantrums
And haul our asses back
As fast as she can

The worst part is
She knows I don’t have anything there

I got nothing to go back to

You see me with a job?
You see me with kids or something?

Shit, I ain’t seen my kid in--

So what am I going back for?

Rather just stay here
And kill my time

Two buckets of quarters
And a coupon for the buffet

I’m living, man
This is really fucking living

Not what I was doing
Back in L.A.

That was--

Shit, that was embarrassing, you know?

Getting hooked on pills
Like I’m some fucking Malibu trophy wife

Having my eyebrows plucked
Getting consultations
On a nose job

What the fuck was I turning into there?

If I’m going anywhere
I’m going to get on a plane
And go to New York

I could have been a fucking star in New York

They go for someone like me there
I mean, they really get into it
How fucked up I am

How my nose is all crooked
And my jaw’s, like, kind of busted
And my right eye doesn’t have
Peripheral vision

They love all that in New York
They call it character

I got character

Back in L.A.
I’m just butt-fucking ugly

Just some guy
Where they wanna be like--

You wanna be a thug?
You wanna play a burglar?
Wanna be a hitman?

I want to be a monk
I want to be an astronomer
I want to be one of those teachers
Who inspires kids
From the inner city

I don’t want to be a fucking thug

I’d rather be a gambler

I’d rather stay here
And drink until I’m drunk
Then go upstairs
And pass out
On some nice hotel bed
Then wake up tomorrow
And wait for some fucking hotel staff
To throw me out on my ass

Then I’ll figure out
The next thing

That’s what I do

I fuck up
Then I figure it out

That’s my thing

So let her drive off tonight
Into the fucking desert
And break down
And get eaten
By some fucking
Outer-Vegas cannibals

I’ll wake up tomorrow
And when I’m all fucked up
I’ll look around and go--

What’s next?

Then I’ll figure it out, you know?

Fuck her for tonight
Fuck tonight tonight, you know?

‘Cause tomorrow?

I’m going to have this all

Figured out

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