Monday, February 17, 2020

Something Is Going To Kill My Kid

Something’s gonna kill this kid

Relax, it’s not that kind of monologue

What I’m saying is--

Something is eventually
Gonna kill this kid
And hopefully it’s something nice
Like, like--

Like organic death
Peaceful death
Dying while sleeping
After a long, long life

And if that’s the case
I’ll be gone before it happens

Something will have killed me
By then
And hopefully whatever that thing is
Will also be peaceful and natural
And quick, very quick
Hopefully quick

But the thing is--


Very few of us
Are going to get that lucky

Now, many of us
Are going to die
After our kids
And thank god for that, right?
But as to how many of us
Are going to die after our kids
And then have our kids die
In this wonderful
Calm way is just--

It’s probably going to go
Some other way, right?

I have a friend who begged her daughter
Begged her
To have kids
Because she said the thought of her daughter
Dying alone
Was giving her depression

She said to her mom, ‘Mom, I could still die alone’
‘People with kids die alone all the time’

...So that got her mother thinking

‘Should I be worried?’

Not many of us get happy endings
When you’re thinking about, you know
The ending of all endings


That’s why I let my kid
Play football

Because yeah
It’s not good for him
And science is probably right
It’s probably dangerous
And it might lead to this or that
But you know what?

Peanuts can kill my kid
Bee stings can kill my kid
Lots of things can kill my kid
And I don’t want to think about all those things
But if I say I’m not going to let him play football anymore
Then that means I have to start thinking
About ALL the things that are dangerous
And all the things that could harm him
And the list--

When you start thinking about the list
Pretty soon
You’re going crazy
Thinking about how LONG it is

So I just choose not to think about it
My mom--I don’t think my mom--
Well my dad
He didn’t think about it

That’s why he let me go camping in the woods
By myself
When I was fourteen

That’s why he let me swim in a water hole
That was definitely full of toxic waste

That’s why he used to let me ride
On long road tips
In the back of a car
With no seatbelt
While he drove ninety miles an hour
Down the--

Because he wasn’t going to worry about it
Because how are you supposed to enjoy
Having kids
If all you do
Is worry about how you could lose them?

I mean, I worry anyway
Of course I worry but--

I don’t want to worry
Any more
Than I already am
You know?

Believe me

I worry enough

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