Monday, April 20, 2020

The Princess and Me

Dear Charles,

You said you miss seeing my face

So here it is

My face

How does it look?

Does it look...angry, Charles?

Does it look...tired?

Exhausted, maybe?


Charles, do you remember
When, a year ago, on our fifth anniversary
You told me that all you wanted
Was a dog
And I told you
That I didn’t think getting a dog would be a good idea
Because of how much you travel for work

And you said--

I don’t travel that much

And I said--

But there might come a time
When your work
Would take you away
For a few weeks
Or even longer

And you said--

Michael, don’t be ridiculous
In my line of work
The only thing that would take me away
Longer than a week
Would be a worldwide health crisis

And I said--

Okay, fine then
Let’s get a dog

Well Charles, here we are

You’re in Atlanta
And I’m here
With your dog

In case you’re wondering
How Princess and I
Are getting along
I should tell you
That she’s decided to express her displeasure
In you not being here
By destroying everything I own

Now, you might ask yourself--

How does destroying my things
Punish you?

I ask myself that as well, Charles
I ask myself that every day

But Princess is not a woman of reason
She is resentful, Charles
She is bitter
She is petty

She is...very much your daughter
Your dog daughter

And while I have tried
To make peace with her
I have come to realize
That she is a woman of war
And that we should
Haved named her

The other day she jumped up
And knocked down
A photo of the two of us
And proceeded to urinate
On my face

Oh Charles, she was very careful
Not to let the stream hit your part
Of the photo

She is exacting, Charles
She is precise
In her fury

The only time we have a truce
Is at night
When she hops into bed with me
Despite my protesting
And snuggles up to me
While still lightly growling
As she drifts into sleep
As if to let me know
That at any moment
She could wake
And rip my throat out

Charles, your Princess
Is actually more like a czar
Like a Russian czar
Or a despot

She’s Caligula
She’s King Henry
She’s King Herod

The point is
I don’t like her Charles
Not at all

I never have liked her
But at least when you were here
She and I shared something
That kept us both in line

Now I find myself
Only feeding her
The cheapest of dog food
And hiding her toys
So she can’t find them

Of course she always does

Like you, she’s too smart
For her own good

Just yesterday she walked by me
Holding a squeaky duck
I had placed carefully
At the back of our closet
And as she passed by me
She defecated in a pair
Of my favorite shoes
Without even bothering to pause

You have to admire
A creature that willful, Charles

You know, it occurred to me
That perhaps she doesn’t realize
You’re coming back?

Animals are intuitive
But I doubt they watch Rachel Maddow

I thought about this
And then I played the voicemail you left me
For Princess
So she could hear your voice
And hopefully assume
That meant
You’d return eventually

You should have seen
How excited she got

She spun around in circles
And peed everywhere
But at least this time
It was out of joy
And not vengeance

When the voicemail ended
She pushed her head
Lovingly into my stomach
And whined happily
Clearly relieved

Charles, I felt such affection for her
In that moment

With you gone, I’ve felt...aimless

We take care of each other
You and I
And without you here
I thought all I had to take care of
Was myself
And that Princess just needed
Her water bowl refilled
Every now and again

But it’s more than that

She needs somebody to love
The same way I do

So we’re starting anew
She and I
And as soon as I’m done
With this video
I’m going to put on my mask
And take her out for a walk

I think both of us would agree
That neither of us
Is a substitute for you, Charles

You’re full of flaws
But you’re also devastatingly

And I miss you
So much

As does the banshee
You’ve left me with

But you know what they say

If you can’t be with the one you love
Love the dog

They left you with

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