Friday, January 30, 2015

We Pray to the Giant Face in the Reflecting Pool

We pray to the giant face in the reflecting pool
And no one tells us why

They say we should be able to see the face
If we’re pure
If our souls are untarnished
If we have faith

We kneel by the pool
And lean over to look in
Scared of falling

Not because we can’t swim
Most of us can
But because going in the pool
Would taint it
Because no matter how unblemished your spirit is
Sin sticks to you
Like sweat on a hot day

And we must keep the water clean

The face in the pool doesn’t speak
But if you can see it
What you can see
Are two beautiful full eyes
A simple nose
And a mouth that is closed
And never opens

It has no hair
Or arms
Or a body

It is large—very large
Much larger than a normal face
And we see ourselves falling over the edge
Into the pool
Into the mouth
That would open for the first time
To suck us in
And swallow us whole
Then close again
Without a word

We are frightened of the giant face
In the reflecting pool

It terrifies us

We speak words of love to it
And undying allegiance
But in our hearts
We feel nothing but fear

We are told there’s nothing wrong with our fear
That we should fear the face in the pool
That fear is sacred
That it’s like the fire
That it burns off everything in us that isn’t necessary
And leaves only the essential parts
Of who we are

So we pray and cower and we keep our eyes closed
Knowing the face is there
Without ever having to see it
Because those before us have seen it
The Great Men have seen it
And they know it is there
And if we need to see it to know
Then we are already lost
Because we are people without faith

We clasp our hands and kneel until it aches
We hear lapping and wonder if something’s fallen in the pool
As things sometimes do
And when they do
We do not retrieve them
We leave them as they are
And let the giant face deal with them as it sees fit

Once a year, we line up in front of the pool
And one of the Descendants of the Great Men
Dips his hands into the pool
And then brings it out
Very carefully
So that drops linger on his fingertips
And he brings them over our foreheads
And holds them there
So that a drop from the pool
Can fall onto us
And when it does
It is the coolest drop of water
That will ever grace our skin

And then we go back to kneeling
And praying
And silently wondering
What the face thinks
If it thinks
While it rests just beneath the water

We ask ourselves—

Does it look up at the sky
And wonder about us?


Does it even know we’re here?

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